Chapter 21

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Caspian watched her reaction when he asked her if she wanted love, she was confused then she seemed to contemplate it.

"No My Lord."

"Your face said otherwise a few seconds ago."

He watched he hang her head down,

"What type of love are you looking for?"

"None My Lord."

"Even if you are not looking for love, humor me a bit then."

He saw her nodding,

"If you had a suitor what the main attribute would you want them to have?"


"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean someone who is aware of other's suffering and feels sad or some sort of emotion akin to what I just said."

"What about looks?"

"Looks come and go but someone with a great personality one does not have to worry if it will come and go."

Caspian was surprised by her firm and straight forward answers,

"Carry on Aurora."

"Having someone who isn't shallow and to have deep conversations with them."

"I see you are calling me shallow?"

"No My Lord I could never, you are the most intelligent and magnificent of them all."

"I did not ask for your flattery Aurora if I did, I could have anyone come and give that to me."

He saw her nod in understanding,

"Have you met this kind of suitor that you want?"

"No My Lord."

"Why is that?"

"I don't have time as I am always working at the palace."

"Have you ever had many suitors that want you?"

"Not really My Lord, as I don't pay any attention to those sort of things."

"Well you're missing out on the simple pleasures of life, life will pass you by without you experiencing anything.

"But aren't we all slaves to whatever we serve."

Caspian looked straight at her, "So by your own words I am in bondage to my desires?"

He saw that she was squirming, in her seat.

"Forgive me My Lord I was out of my bounds, and I am a mere maid after all."

Caspian nodded, why would he get rattled by a mere maid's opinion of him, what did she know besides serving.

"You don't have to sit frozen on your chair, drink."

He saw her take tiny sips of her tea and it was cute the way she tried to blow the tea so it could be cooler,

He found himself watching her and his eyes zoomed in on her mouth, so pretty like strawberries, he wanted to kiss her again.

Would he let her?

"I want to kiss you Aurora."

She looked up and was startled at his question.

"What do you say?"

"I can never say no, My Lord."

"I don't want to kiss you against your will but that you feel the same way as I do."

Maid To The Prince (Complete)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz