Chapter 62

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Aurora stood in front with the king, queen, Nadia, and the rest of the concubines as they cheered for the soldiers that came back from war, but it was strange. The soldiers weren't cheering or waving at the crowds, they had won so why was there such a somber atmosphere

She could not see Caspian amongst the soldiers, were they shielding him? The soldiers got off their horses and knelt in front of them.

"We deserve to die My Lord, My Lady."

"Where is Caspian." The queen replied with a stern voice.

"We believe that he is dead, he went to negotiate on his own with the barbarians and never came back. We searched everywhere, and no stone was left unturned but he could not be found."

"SEND ALL THE FORCES TO FIND HIM!" the king replied with so much anger in his voice.

"Right away!"

They all dispersed and she told Eleanor that she wanted to be alone, which she respected, it was close to nighttime, as she walked to the forest, and kept walking for a while. There was no one and she sank to the ground.

Aurora could not believe the news she had just found out, a tear fell down her face and she let out a scream, the pain that she felt was too much for her.

She felt the tears coming down her face as she broke down and lost all control. She sobbed and her body was heaving.

The sun was gone and it was night time, and it began to rain. She lay down and let the rain pour on her.

She wanted to sleep and never wake up again, she remembered often when Caspian told her that without her, his life was meaningless.

He would come back to her, she would not give up any hope until he came back. She would wait for him every day until they found his body.

She fell asleep under the rain, yet she was chilled by the coldness from her heart. The next morning she headed back to her villa.

Eleanor met her halfway through, and helped her inside. She bathed and changed into her night attire and went to bed.

Weeks went by and weeks turned to months yet the same cruel nature in the palace had grown so much.

She was now a servant with a concubine title, when Nadia felt anger she would lash it out on her, as she believed that she was the one that made Caspian lose time with her.

Slaps, whips and thrown into dungeons was now her religion, it all dependent on Nadia's feelings. A year had passed and Nadia had become a complete tyrant.

Aurora was found talking to her friends and she was beaten, and told if she went to see them again then it would be them that receive lashes.

She would not let her friends get into trouble all because of her. Even going to Elliot was forbidden and they would name her an adulteress.

Aurora felt completely alone, as Eleanor was dismissed from serving her and went to serve another royal family in another kingdom.

She and Eleanor had cried for hours, as they parted. Eleanor seemed to be afraid leaving her there but she reassured her that she would be alright.

Another year passed and Aurora was seated under her tree. She looked at her hands, and they were trembling from all the work she was getting.

She was refused food and would go two to three days on a meal. She had marks all over her body, that she covered with long sleeves.

Tears fell down her face, the pain never went away. She thought time healed but no time was the number one reminder.

Yet she never lost any hope, even when the search had stopped. She always waited for him, hoping that one day he would show up in front of her and this time it was not a dream.

Only in her dreams did she see him, and when she awakened sadness filled all around her. She stood up and headed back.


She turned to the guard, "Yes?"

"The king and queen request you come meet them urgently."

Aurora nodded and made her way to the hall, it was the king, queen and Nadia standing. She kneeled in front of them.

"I hear you are a huge problem to Nadia, I told you during the banquet to leave Caspian alone but you didn't listen." Said the king.

"You have a few options, drink poison, get hanged, or we banish you and you must never return." The queen added.

"I will leave." She said in a low voice, she was tired living like this. She wanted to go so she could maybe ease her pain with not being here as everything reminded her of Caspian.

"You must leave by sunset." This time it was Nadia.

"I understand."

They all left and she got up and walked back to her villa, she packed up a few belongs and she took a knife and cut off all of her long hair.

Her hair was shoulder length, she would leave everything behind.

She went out and found Nadia standing there, and Nadia laughed so much, "trying to look like a boy."


"I told you Aurora you can never win against me."

"Why do you hate me so much but with the other concubines."

"Well I will tell you, when I met Caspian the first time we hit it off until your hair became untied and I could see that his attention was a bit off. Then came the picnic event and you rode with him. You were selfish Aurora, you took most of his time. I'm sure you are the one who made him celibate and you are the exception. How dare you sleep in his chambers most of the times and I never got a chance to. I am the princess and all you are is a filthy concubine that didn't know her place. Now who has the last laugh? I came to see you off myself."

Aurora looked around, and she walked down the path that she and Caspian had walked through.

All that they had been through, and today she left with nothing. All she had was now gone, no Caspian, no Elliot and none of her friends.

She had learnt that no matter what position one had, it did not matter. Everything that she did with Caspian, she would bury it in her heart as those were her sacred memories that she would cherish for as long as she would be in this world.

This life was not for her, and just as she wished with her friends that in another life they would meet in different circumstances, so would she and Caspian. In a world that was not harsh or cruel to others.

When she got to the edge of the forest she turned around and looked at the castle one more time, and she smiled as tear drops fell down her face.

She had been blessed to meet someone like Caspian, and she was forever grateful to have met him and was privileged to be loved by a man like him. He taught her how to love and not be afraid, all good things come to an end.

It hurt that she could was not ever allowed to go to Caspian's chambers and she had forgotten his scent and all she could remember was his smile.

Everything that she had tried to keep had faded away. She would keep him in her soul, that would not fade away.

She would remember all the places he wanted to go, how they fell in love. Every time she was with him she was in a different zone.

She sighed and made her way...................................

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