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                                   Park Jimin
Here I am. Sitting across the man Ive been hopelessly in love with, since I was eight years old.

It sounds crazy, I know!

He's twenty one, and I'm barely going to be eighteen in a month, but I've never let our age gap get in between us. It's only three years, but a twenty one year old with a senior in High school, doesn't look, or sound too great to most people.

I examine Jungkook's smiley face as he laughs at Jin's horrible dad jokes.

He really is, just so breathtaking.

I go away for four years, just to come back and see that he is still as charming as ever.

Since we've met, I've always known that I'll always be Jin's baby brother to Jungkook, but while I was away, as an exchanged student, I tried my best to change, to grow up, so I can come back and be someone completely different to Jungkook.

Also, because America and traveling had always fascinated me.

Don't worry, I didn't go leave the country just for a guy.

It was just a big bonus, a huge opportunity to change.

I hope I can be enough for you, Jungkook.

"So, Jimin. Tell us what your favorite thing about America was? The food? The guys?"

I blush as my mom wiggles her eyebrows at me, and my father just laughs.

Everyone looks engaged in my answer, and I feel very appreciative of it.

I haven't felt this important in a while.

My parents and all my family have known about my sexuality since middle school, and have always been so accepting of it.

Same with Jin, he's in a very loving relationship with Namjoon. My parents love Namjoon.

I've always envied Jin and Namjoon, hoping I could have that with Jungkook someday. I must sound, insane, but I just can't help myself.
I'm in love with a man I can't have.

But, I can dream, right?

"Uh," I giggle. Trying to think of what to say.

"Ah ah, no boy talk. My jiminie is too young and innocent for relationships," Jin says.

I sigh, trying to ignore how protective Jin is, and think of what I enjoyed the most.

"Guys? Jimin is into guys?"

Everyone stops moving, and I lose my train of thought as I look at Jungkook.

Did he, just, ask a question about Jimin, right in front of Jimin?

He looks around confusingly, before stopping once our eyes meet, and I raise both brows. His eyes widen in fear.

"No, I! I didn't mean it, in any rude way. I'm sorry, it's not even my business."

Jungkook clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck nervously. I let out a few quiet giggles at how embarrassed and ashamed he looks.

"It's okay, Kookie. Yep, Jimin likes guys. That isn't a problem, is it?"
I ask.

Jungkook's face is blank for a few seconds, before he smiles softly and shakes his head.

"Not at all, you're our Jiminie."

My chest tightens at his words.

Stop calling me that, I'm not five!

What can I do to make you not see me as a child, Jungkook?

Devotion (Jikook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant