Happy (not really) Trip

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                               Jeon Jungkook
"Awww Jungkook babe! These pictures are so good!"

Jennie clings onto my arm as I roll my eyes.

I truly wish I wasn't here right now, but I couldn't turn Jin down. After hearing the good things I said about Jennie, he decided to take us and Namjoon, on a mini couples trip.

I mean, it was a sweet gesture, but he even questioned why I didn't look as excited. I didn't tell him that I plan on leaving her, so I just shook it off and gave him my best fake smile.

This is why I shouldn't be so stupid.
I should've ended it, honestly the night of the sleepover with Jimin.

I could've just, hid in his room for the rest of my life so I don't have to face a heartbroken Jennie!

But seriously though, she may be the dumbest one between us. I haven't slept with her in like, three months?

I don't even cuddle her the same way I used to.

I guess, we're both scared to leave?

Except, our fear is not at all the same..

She gets distracted by a waitress holding up a drink, making her and Jin nearly trip towards the laughing lady.

I sigh as I pull my phone out.

Jimin still hasn't texted?

I feel really bad for leaving without saying anything, but I was nervous!
I didn't want to see his disappointed face, I truly didn't. I don't know, I just, really care about his opinion.

I stare at my phone for a few seconds in thought.

Okay, I'm just gonna text him.


"Hey, Jiminie! Just wanted to say hi. So..hi. I'm sorry that I didn't-"

"Hey, no phone!"

Jennie cuts me off and makes me lose track on what I was typing.

I smack my lips. Why does everything have to bother her so much?

"But all you've been doing is posting, Jennie," I say in a low voice.

She's really starting to annoy me, and even more than usual.

She rolls her eyes. "Well, I'm making memories, while you're..."
She leans over and slowly reads the name in my phone. "Texting, him."

Her face falls as she clears her throat before snatching my phone out of my hands.

"Wha- hey-"

"You can get this back tomorrow when you we go home."

I groan. I was in the middle of texting Jimin. Now he's going to think I just straight up ignored him this whole trip.

Before you think how it's so weird I care so much, it ISN'T.

You, remember what I'm supposed to be for Jimin, don't forget.

"But, Jen-"

"No buts! Come on babe, let's go."

She grabs my hand and guides me towards the ocean.

This is going to be one long, tiring ass trip.

              .                 .                .

Jennie and Jin clink their drinks at the bar, and I smile at how happy Jin looks. I really only agreed to this, for him. He's also been looking extremely happy with Namjoon, the two really needed this distraction.

I look out into the ocean and admire how nice it looks at night with lights shimmering everywhere.

I look back to see Jennie and Jin dancing to the crazy music with strangers and Namjoon laughing while recording them.

Perfect, they're distracted, so I can leave.

I slowly walk up to the ocean, happy night one is around. I haven't been alone this whole time.

I sit on the sand, my feet touching the shore. Wind blows on me and I feel like I can finally breathe. Being with Jin, Namjoon, and Jennie has never been this suffocating for me.

It's just the situation I'm in with Jennie, and I just have a lot on my mind.

I inhale deeply as the waves hit my feet repeatedly.

Jimin would love this.

I blink a few times at my own thought.

I've really been thinking about him a lot. Maybe it's just because I'm not around him? I look out for him, you know. I smile at the thought of him and some memories we've made, and it starts to make me annoyed, annoyed at myself because I should've at least said bye to him.

I should just snatch my phone from Jennie and text someone I actually don't want to leave.

I run my hands through my hair before sighing loudly.

Jimin, are you mad at me?

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