2231 - 2240

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2231. Sleeping directly after learning something new will improve your ability to remember it effectively.

2232. If you fall asleep while over thinking, then your mind will stay active even during your sleep and you will wake up tired.

2233. Everyone dreams. You spend about 2 hours each night dreaming but may not remember most of your dreams. Its exact purpose isn’t known, but dreaming may help you process your emotions.

2234. Clench your fists, squeeze your eyes shut or partake in another type of activity where you exercise self-control.

2235. Human body gets partial paralysis, during sleep to prevent itself from doing harmful things.

2236. Sleeping immediately after learning something new, will improve our ability to remember it effectively.

2237. Having a regular massage is shown to improve sleep.

2238. Among ancient Greeks, dreams were considered to be divine messages and they would often choose sacred places for sleeping so that they could make important dreams appear.

2239. If a person wakes up in the REM stage of the dream, it is more likely that he or she will remember the dream.

2240. Adults aged 18 to 64 generally need seven to nine hours of sleep. Adults 65 and older are generally fine with seven to eight hours. Children can need as much as 17 hours.

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