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Two men walk in. Well more like strut in, with wobbling knees. I was about to say something but someone beat me to it. "Hello E.J. Are you behaving? You know what'll happen if you don't." Says the man in the dandelion colored hoodie.

E.J huh? I guess that's my stalkers name. What did that guy mean by 'you know what will happen..'? Was he gonna kill me. Doubtful. It's not that I think he's a good guy, I just think he'll never get the chance.

The group of men chat in an almost unbearable whisper. Their voices are so aggravated that it's hurting my ears. I have no idea what the dandelion hoodie guy said but, it was loud.

It was directed at 'E.J'? What the hell did he do? "STAY THE FUCK BACK!". Oh, I guess E.J got too close for comfort.

But why was he yelling, didn't he know that E.J wouldn't hurt him?

The dandelion hoodie guy kept screaming at E.J. I was to distracted by it that I didn't notice the other man that was accompanying the loud man. He has a tan leather jacket on. He was starring right at me. Mostly at my- mask? I didn't remember putting it on.

I suppose that after a while of wearing it I had just become accustomed to just putting it on before I go outside at all. " Hey, take that off will ya? You're creeping me out." He says now getting closer to the glass cage. That sounded like a total lie. What's these guys deals.

Fine. Who cares, even if these people try reveal my face to the world I could always just kill them. I do as he asks and remove the mask from my face.

Everyone in that room whipped their heads in my direction. The fuck is wrong with these guys?

"Dandelion hoodie guy" POV:

By, god.

They're captivating, E/C eyes widen with shock as they realize that we're starring at them. I can hear their heart beat slowly.

We can't help it! It's not everyday the organ eating demon drags in such a beautiful human!

How the fuck did he do that anyway? Did the boss really take pity on him and let him have a roommate. It's probably just so we don't have to 'check up on him' anymore.

What a relief. But, if such a  beautiful human is stuck in here I wouldn't mind doing all of the 'check ups on E.J' in the future.

I peel my eyes away and continue my commands at the big idiot in front of me. Shitass really thinks we didn't notice him almost bite the human. At least that's what we think happened. We only saw E.J pick them up, that's all.

It could of been just a normal hug, but knowing what this thing eats- it's a risk I don't want to take.

I let the room go into silence before walking over the the cages door and opening it up. I take one step in, and then another. Trying to pace my steps to make the human in front of me nervous.

It doesn't seem to work, because when I look up at them the expression they hold is one not of fear, but more of boredom.

"Hey, show me around your little 'area', I need an assessment of it before we can get to work on renovating it".

They stare right into my eyes oddly enough. I don't even know how they located them, I'm wearing my ski mask after all. They give a proper nod, and walk into the- disgusting hallway.

Yikes, when was the last time E.J cleaned up in here? Slob. I can only imagine what caused this mess.

We reach a room at the end of the hallway. The room was definitely nothing special. It was covered in the same vintage wallpaper as the hallway, and E.Js room. However, unlike E.Js room, there was only a single tattered mattress in the corner of the room.

|𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐| A creepypasta story/Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now