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Tim's POV (The day after being told the 'news')

I'm glad to not be tied down with a contract anymore. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted from my chest.

Not only that, but do you know who's taking his place? [Name]!! WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT!!

I have no clue how their leadership skills are, but I know I'm at least in good hands. The Operator was a selfish bitch who had nothing better to do than make others suffer for entertainment. And [Name] is.. well, nevermind with that. All I know is, [Name] isn't going to threaten to chop up my body parts at every mistake I make!


I don't want to get my hopes up. [Name] as a boss- sounds good on paper. But, what about the logistics? Can they really protect us? Do they really just want so lawn work from us? What's their motivation? How did they know about the operator?

Couldn't I just ask them? No. Their my boss now- it'll be expected that'll they'll not have time to just talk one on one anymore.

Your POV

Did I do something wrong? Everyone doesn't want to talk to me! They all stay away from me now! Except for Jack, he kinda just sticks by my side now. Like a friendly secretary- wait.

Do they think I'll act just like their previous 'boss' did? That's no good! I still want to be friends! I don't want them to be scared!

I'm fine when other people do it, but them? My friends? They've only known me for so long-term yet they look after me! They actually WANT to be my friends. Please, universe!

You're going to take them away from me. Woah. I need to calm down! I'm sounding a little off character.

How do you show your 'employees' that you want to look after them- like they have looked after you?

"Jack? "

"Ah! Umm- yeah? "

"Do people in this house like- pastries?"

"Yeah! Every single time someone brings some back from the house after a supply one, they all go missing after only a few minutes! They're a pretty hot item here. Also, a rare one."

"Hmm. Jack?"


"Does this place have baking supplies?"

"Ohhhh, hahah! We have a shit load. We don't use them though. The only person who used them- ..left."

Hehehe. HAHAHA HAHAHAHA! I have a plan! I'm thankful enough to have the amazing skill of human culinary arts! ([Name] has made many human dishes before. However, refuses to do so for their prisoners. Because, they're a dick.)

I haven't baked in awhile! Yippee! This will be spectacular! I hope my skills match up to my friends expectations. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn dir mein Essen gefallen würde, Jack.

I shouldn't rely on others opinions on the food, I only really need them to see how much I truly care.

This can't be something small. Like a cupcake, or a bunch of strudle. How about... a cake! A German cake!

German's are very well known for their sweets! This will be a piece of-

" 'Black Forest gateau' "


"The desert."

"Do you mean dessert? I've had it before. It's been too long to Rember the taste though sadly. "

"That's gotta change! I'll make some for everyone! Everyone here deserves a slice!"

"[Name] I appreciate the offer, but some of them might be too scared to approach you. Especially after you declared yourself as a violent demon killing machine."

"Fair. I know a way around this though. It's called- lying."

"Uhhh. Are you sure that's ethical, love? Lying isn't very-"

"Yeah, okay. I get it. People don't like being lied to. But, if I was tricked into having cake with someone- I would forgive their lying!"

Not waiting for the wonderful Welsh accent that Jack posses to fill my ears, I march my merry little ass down the stairs and into our kitchen. This is the greatest plaaaan~

Of course, the art of making food- is best shared! So I'm having Jack help me out! Who knows. Maybe, he'll like it!

Making food alone is easy. But, making food with friends creates memories. Plus, it seems that Jack has taken an extreme amount of consideration towards me. Following me, trying to sniff me, actually sniffing me and Jane telling him off- a lot of things have happened in past few hours honestly.

Like, yesterday- when he confessed his devotion of friendship to me. Afterwards- he asked me to sleep in his bed. Well, really, I just slept on him. The bed can't fit a cave demon, and the reincarnation of a forest spirit- all at once.

-2 hours later. You and Jack have officially made the gateau. Currently, all of your friends are sitting in front of you- believing that this is a 'employee meeting'-

"Ahem! Today, marks the very last day of us being 'mutuals'." Everyone in the room hearts sank. '[Name] wasn't going to break the cycle'. 'They're going to put us through hell- all over again. '

"But, on this very day, marks a more important event than that. Today, is the day, we become- BEST BUDS!" Confusion, was the word to describe the absolute depletion of emotion on everyones faces. Then, suddenly, sighs where heard all around the room, some in unison.

"And to further celebrate this wonderful day of us getting closer together, I made cake!"

As if a whole earthquake happened, the sound of chairs being moved out of the way, erupted from all over the small room.

Natalie was the first to come up to me, they gave me a huge hug and noted that I scared the 'hebjesus' out of her. Then, Dandelion, Tim, BEN, Jane, Toby, Helen all came up to me. I was over joyed to hear that they're exited that I was the one 'looking after them'.

The cake was delicious!! I got many compliments on 'my work's, every time I did though, I would tell them that Jack worked on it also. The dude needs his credit! He hauled ass trying to find 'the perfect strawberries' to tie it all together. Hahaaha! Jack has the tendency to 'give it his all', I find this trait of his very admirable!

He tries his best to make others around him think of him a certain way. I hurts to know my opinion affects him a lot, but it's nice to have it considered in the first place.

My view on Jack is; He's in a terrible situation and making the best of it. And to him, I'm 'saving him'. Saving him from a seemingly empty and repeating cycle of abuse, and miscommunication. Poor soul. Usually, cave demons are short life spanned beings. So they make the most of it. Parties, and celebrations over the 'little things'. However, due to his 'extended' life span, he's forced to live life unknowingly.

It hurts to dwell on it for too long. Not physically, my nerve endings are all kinda burnt off. But, emotionally. Did you know, even though some reincarnations can't feel real pain- they still cry. I cried my first night here. I don't remember why, but the feeling still stands.

I feel bad for these people. So might say too much. I don't mind looking after others though. As long as I have people who finally want to listen to my bs. I love my friends. I would do anything they ask. I WILL do anything they ask. They're different, and that's exactly what I needed.

People, who finally understand what it's like to feel different.

Word count: 1293 (longest one yet)
Translation: Ich würde mich freuen, wenn dir mein Essen gefallen würde.... I would be happy if you liked my food

|𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐| A creepypasta story/Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now