pandora's box.

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monji was on cloud nine.

her soul felt fuller the longer their touch lingered, and she felt more enchanted the longer she stared in to his eyes that seemed to my glowing with a brown hue as the sunglight encased as much of the surrounding area as it could.

"i forgive you." the blonde male whispered out in full seriousness.

monji blinked a few times before a light laugher erupted from her lips, "well i hope so!"

jimin laughed along with her in full admiration of the girl in front of him. her fluffy black hair that fell in all the right places, soft full cheeks that lightened up with every chuckle, and eyes that he could just stare at for days. she was perfect. absolutely perfect.

monji started to get uncomfortable under his intense gaze the longer he stared without saying a word, "jimin?"

without missing a beat, he lightly grasped her chin and pulled her face closer to his in one swift motion.

the artist was too stunned to speak as she could feel his breath fanning her face with every breath he took due to the close proximity.

"can i kiss you?" the blonde breathe out while flickering his gaze from her lips to her eyes.

the girl, to afraid to speak, could only nod stiffly as she continued to stare wide eyed at him.

he immediately connected their lips in a sweet kiss as his had that was placed under her chin moved to cup her jaw, while her hand slowly eased itself on the back of his neck the longer the kiss went on.

the red string of fate glowed it's bright red hue with pride as the two soulmates were lost in their own world in which only the other knew about. the rest of the world was irrelevant to them, all that mattered was them.

only them.

"disgusting." jungkook pretended to gag as he clutched onto his boyfriend's shoulder for support.

"i can feel the jealousy radiating off of you, kook." hoseok smirked knowingly as he did not miss the look of longing he sent towards the couple's direction as he stared intensely at them.

"but i can't figure out if it's directed towards monji or jimin." he gave the younger male one last pat on the back before he left him alone to continued laying out the picnic blanket on the grass.

"i'm not jealous!" he scoffed loudly before stomping after the male to help set out the blanket.

"put out the strawberries will you?" hoseok shoved a box of strawberries into his arms.


"well hello to you two love birds." hoseok tipped his drink towards the duo that was walking towards him.

"this is so cute." monji beamed with delight at the sight before her.

a red and white checkered blanket was set out on top of the grass, a large overflowing basket of food that had grapes, a bottle of juice, and sandwiches that could be seen peaking out from its opening.

hoseok was sat comfortably near the basket with a can of soda resting in his left hand. jungkook was seen pouting from his position on the older male's lap as he nibbled on sandwich in his hands.

"it was hobi hyung's idea." jungkook said as jimin lightly pushed the girl forward, "he thought you would like it here after yoongi hyung gush about the way your eyes lit up when he brought you to the cafe earlier today."

"the yoongi gushed about me?" the female almost laughed at the thought, "i've never been more flattered!"

"you should have seen him,"jungkook said as he sat up and pushed a bowl of blueberries closer to the girl as she sat down, "oh she looked so cute with her doe eyes and awestruck face! i just wanted to pinch those little cheeks forever!"

"she's so cute and innocent and cute, did i say that already?" jimin continued the slander while placing his hands on his cheeks as he swayed from side to side.

hoseok let out a loud giggle at the blonde male's reenactment as he threw his head back.

"now i know you're both lying! absolutely no way yoongi did that." she scoffed at the both of them as she popped a blueberry in her mouth.

"noooooo," both males said at the same time while looking away suspiciously.

"anyways help yourself to anything here. jin hyung made the sandwiches before we left so we could give them to you." hoseok said reaching into the basket and pulling out one of the plastic containers within that was stuffed with bread.

"he specifically said to make you take home one of the containers so take your pick."

monji could almost cry at the sight of all the food in front of her.

'i don't have to starve anymore!' the broke art student had tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes.

"y'all are too nice." she bit her lips in an attempt to stop the loud sob that was about to leave her mouth.

"thank you for planning this, hobi! i really like it." she spoke brightly towards said male who could only smile in amusement at the now bubbly female.

"anytime, love." he shot her a wink, "now eat up before the food gets cold."

"aye aye captain!"


ok first off, stream jack in the box losers🔫🔫🔫 ik i'm kinda late w this but i originally wanted to dedicate a chapter to hobi's new album cuz it's so GOOD

anyways i don't think i will be writing for a while rn for at least the next 2 weeks cuz exams🫶🫶🫶

plus they're like the super serious big boy exams so i need to yk get on that grind

might not be posting for a bit, but i hope y'all will still stay w me !

hope u enjoyed the chapter!

yours truly,

mororo-kun ~~~~

cigarette smoke and love.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن