gimme love.

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"dammit, i need more paint."

monji was not feeling particularly tired after she had washed up and did her nightly routine. in fact she felt more inspired if anything after the events that had transpired hours earlier.

she just could not get the image of the sunset fading behind jimin as he stared at her with that look.

oh my god that fucking look.

thinking back on it now was enough to make the dark haired girl burst out into a ball of red flames.

"why does he have to be so fucking pretty." she grumbled in annoyance, "why do all of them have to be so fucking pretty."

groaning in frustration, she snatched up the cigarette that she had placed behind her ear after she was done smoking her second one, and lit it with the flick of her lighter.

taking a generous inhale, the smoke exited through her nose in a large puff and she repeated that process as she pulled out her phone and left to go to her kitchen.

the screen illuminated with a bright light that displayed the time '5:00 a.m'.

"jesus fuck." she cursed as she realised it was already the next day, and she has not gotten a wink of sleep.

"would the art store be opened at this time?" she mumbled doubtfully as she began searching up the opening times of the usual art store that she frequently a lot.

"huh, would you look at that." she let a breath out in amusement as she saw the 'open 24 hours' message on the search page.

"guess i'm becoming an early bird today." the female placed her phone down and shuffled her way down the hall to change into warmer clothing for a journey out of her house.


adorned with a large puffy jacket and a set of over the ear headphones on full blast, monji was cruising down the sidewalk on top of her beat up skateboard that is on the verge of death.

the usual art store that she frequented was located near a small shopping centre near her apartment block. it took a good few minutes to walk over on foot, which is why the dark haired girl had invested in the skateboard a few years ago.

the vacancy of the streets paired with the cold breeze of the early morning, monji was in absolute bliss.

she has always enjoyed the peace that early mornings and late nights brought. it was the main reason she almost always found herself awake and thriving at theses times. it was actually the time that she loved to do her artworks, both for school and her personal interests.

the familiar street of the small shopping centre came up in front of her field of vision, and she happily sped up with a harsh kick to the ground while entering the shopping grounds on wheels.

this was another perk of coming to buy supplies late at night. there were no security guards to stop her from skating her way throughout the centre, so she could do whatever she wanted.

hopping off her skateboard, she swiftly scooped it up off the ground as she lightly jogged her way into the quaint art store.

the crisp sound of the bell ringing echoed throughout the store as the dark haired art student skipped in with a joyful step and a large grin on her face.

"morning, mr joestar!" she greeted the older male who smiled back at her just as fondly.

"it been awhile since i've seen you, kid. how've y been?"

jonathan jostar was an elderly male with striking blue hair. he had originally moved from england and opened up this small art shop five years ago as his way of settling down. coincidentally it was almost around the same time that monji had moved into the neighbourhood.

the man was always welcoming to her, and so she had always found herself coming back.

"oh you know, just the usual stuff." she casually shrugged, "how bout you? how is joseph doing by the way?"

he gave a gruff laugh at the mention of his son, "that little rascal is going to send me into retirement! erika and i sure have our work cut out for us i'll tell ya that!"

monji smiled back at him in amusement as he started to complain lovingly about his son. she always enjoyed listening to the older man talk.

"but anyways, that's enough from an old man like me. what are ya here for? brushes, canvases?" he took a healthy swig from his coffee mug, "unfortunately, we've run out of your usual go to. one of the art teachers came in and cleared out our whole stock! nearly gave me a heart attack!"

the dark haired student chuckled at his dramatic retelling but promptly waved him off, "it's fine, i'm trying to clear the one i already have stacking up at home anyway. do you still have my usual oil paints though?"

"course! i keep them stocked up high just for you!" he gave her a toothy grin as he reached over the counter to ruffled her hair, "they're just around the back."

she lightly slapped his hand away from her hair with a huff of  annoyance as she tried to smooth down the already forming rat's nest on her head.

"thanks, old man." she stuck her tongue out at him childishly while she slowly backed away from the counter.

as she backed away, she did not notice the gangly figure obstructing her path. and so her back had collided with the male, causing the plethora of items that he had careless stacked upon his arms to clatter to the ground with a hollow thud.

her senses shot up in a panic at the sudden noise. she almost broke her neck whipping around trying to see what she had done.

"i'm so sor—"

"monji?" dark brown eyes stared back at her own in shock and amazement.

"um, do i know you?"

hi im back.

i hope y'all have been doing well. ive been in a very comfortable mood all week so i've been kinda lazy to do like anything 💀

go stream sexy nukim 🔫🔫🔫 shits fire

and i hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! and tysm for voting and adding it to ur tea lists!

yours truly,


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