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for the next few months, taylor and nova had spent as much time together as possible since taylor's world tour was coming up soon.

since it was already april 5th, 2015, taylor's first show of the 1989 world tour was just a month away.

pulling back from a kiss, nova looked up at taylor. "i cannot believe in a month we will have to be separated." she said sarcastically.

"hey, you have to come to at least one of my shows." taylor told nova, looking down at the shorter woman. "if you don't, then i won't cuddle you for a month."

"are you serious!" nova exclaimed, throwing her head back. "of course i will be at one of your shows, and probably more."

suddenly, novas phone began to ring. she looked at her phone, seeing that it was her brother. "oh, hold on, it's my brother." the brunette told taylor, standing up.

"hello?" nova said into the phone. after a few moments, she started pacing the room, looking at taylor frantically.

"what happened?" taylor asked quietly. nova shook her head, focusing completely on her brother.

"yeah, yeah of course. i'll be there in about an hour." nova said before hanging up.

"it's- uhm, my dad is in the hospital." the brunette told taylor, tears welling in her eyes.

"oh, baby, do they know what happened?" taylor was quick to bring her girlfriend into a hug, rubbing her back.

"he- yeah, he had a heart attack," nova told her. "he's stable for now, but i told my brother that we would be at the hospital, so-"

"of course, i can get one of my drivers to drive us there. nova, i'm so sorry." taylor quickly cut her off, continuing to hug her.

nova began sobbing into taylor's shoulders, scared about what would happen to her dad.

"i'm so scared. i am terrified, taylor. what if he dies? he- my dad can't die! he was the only one who supported me growing up." nova ranted to taylor.

"i know baby, we just have to hope for the best, there's not much we can do." taylor tried reassuring the woman softly.

on the drive to the hospital, nova hadn't stopped crying but she was a lot calmer now. "i think i want to become an actress." nova said out of nowhere.

"really? i mean, that's amazing, but are you sure? once you get well known, you're pretty much stuck in the public eye." taylor looked over at nova.

nova nodded silently. "it's what i always wanted to do as a young child, and my dad was the only one who ever supported my dreams. my mom said it was unrealistic, and my brother didn't even bother enough to care."

"i think that is an amazing idea, nova. if you ever need help to find an agent or anything, i can always help you." the blonde said before looking back to her phone.

"just so you know, i'm not trying to use your fame or anything." nova quickly cleared up, becoming worried that taylor had taken it the wrong way.

"oh, of course not. i know that's not what you meant." taylor responded, looking up at nova. "and besides, if you did use me, i wouldn't be too upset."

taylor ran her thumb under the brunettes eyes, wiping her tears away. nova smiled, the both of them leaning in for a kiss.

once they had arrived at the hospital, they quickly checked in and were told to wait in the waiting room.

taylor was wearing a hoodie and sunglasses, trying her best not to be recognized.

any time taylor went out, and especially now since her biggest tour was coming up, she tried her hardest to not be seen in public. she hated the paparazzi, and would never want nova to have to deal with them because of her.

"nova becerra?" a nurse called through a door. "oh, that's me!" nova said, standing up.

"alright, if you will follow me, i can take you to your fathers room." the nurse explained before walking down the hallway.

nova followed, with taylor right on her tail. taylor wanted to hold novas hand, but she didn't know if it was alright.

they made it to the room, and saw novas father on the bed awake. "dad," nova said, sounding relieved. she sprinted over to her fathers side, hugging him.

the nurse turned around and walked back to where they had came from.

as nova hugged her father, tears started streaming down her tan skin. "oh, dad. i thought i lost you."

the man laughed, smiling. "oh, it's going to take more than a little heart attack to kill the ezra becerra." he joked.

taylor stood back, still in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt the family.

"oh, taylor come over here." ezra told the blonde as nova pulled back from their hug.

taylor walked over to him, gently hugging the older man. "she was really scared, mr becerra." the blonde whispered into his ear, making sure nova couldn't hear her.

"i know, taylor." ezra pulled back from the hug, turning his attention to his daughter.

"you both have to be busy, or have somewhere better to be than here at the hospital." he looked at nova.

"no, papa, i would rather be here with you than anywhere else right now." the brunette insisted, getting closer to the hospital bed.

"i'm just saying, if you two want to leave, i know it isn't personal, or anything."

about an hour later, taylor and nova were getting ready to leave the hospital. nova felt extremely bad for just leaving her father, but he insisted that it was fine.

nova was driving, and she needed to drop taylor off for the blonde to rehearse with her backup singers and dancers.

"alright, goodbye nova." taylor opened the door of the car, putting sunglasses on.

"bye, tay. what time should i pick you up?" the brunette asked, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek.

"maybe two in the morning? don't hold me to it, though, it might be later." taylor informed, pulling back from the kiss.

"okay, just text me whenever you're finished up. i will probably just be watching criminal minds when you are done."

taylor closed the car door, waving to her girlfriend. as nova drove away, she wondered if she was serious about persuing an acting career.

it was her dream to become an actress, but she never thought she'd get the chance to actually live that dream.

now that she was dating taylor, though, she felt like she could actually be what she had always dreamed of.

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