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omg ttpd? lowkey my new fav album

a lot of time had passed since nova had gotten pregnant.

nearly 9 months, already. though it felt like longer to nova, taylor felt like no time had passed and wished that a pregnancy lasted years so she could enjoy it longer.

that's why, when nova woke up with liquid in the bed and pains lasting a minute, taylor almost felt sad.

not sad because in just a few hours, they would be holding their baby boy and girl. she felt sad because all of this would be over. all of the time that taylor spend rubbing novas stomach. the restless nights nova had endured, taylor staying awake for them all.

but that meant a new chapter.

a chapter where nova and taylor were mothers. they were going to have two beautiful children. maybe more in the future. taylor may even be the pregnant one next time.

but for now, the two women needed to focus on the present. and the present looked like nova standing over their bathroom sink, sweating, crying, and in a sports bra and basketball shorts.

nova took deep breaths as taylor pulled her brunette hair back into a ponytail.

"are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" the blonde asked, yet nova shook her head.

"my contractions are too far apart, they'll just send us home."

nova had heard stories of mothers going to the hospital just to be rejected for a room, despite being in immense pain.

"alright, do you want to stay standing up? do you need anything?"

taylor was trying to do all that she could, yet she felt it still wasn't enough. she wished she could just take all of the pain from nova.

nova wiped her forehead with a wet washcloth. "can you get me some water?"

taylor nodded, "of course, baby."

the blonde woman walked as quickly as possible to grab an old marinara jar they had kept and filled it with water. nova didn't like ice, she knew that. but for some reason, in all of the chaos, taylor filled the glass to the brim with ice.

walking back from the kitchen, she heard nova screaming. at first, it startled taylor. she froze. then, her maternal instincts kicked in. she ran towards their bathroom, placing the glass on the television stand as she passed it.

because of newtons law of force, when taylor placed the class, she swiped it off of the tv stand almost as quickly as she put it down. glass shattered all over the floor.

taylor put her hands on her face, not knowing what to do. she heard another scream coming from her bathroom, so she decided her wife needed her. fiancé. soon to be wife, needed her.

as she ran into the bathroom, she saw sweat dripped all over the toilet beneath nova. nova looked like she'd seen a ghost. no, more like she was a ghost. she was as pale as the bedsheets they shared. her eyes looked as bloodshot as taylor's heart looked red when she thought of the brunette.

novas eyes were squinted, as if she didn't have the energy to keep them open. "where's my water?" she slurred to taylor who was standing above her.

"oh, shit, nova i dropped the glass and-" taylor started ranting before nova cut her off with another scream.

taylor got down on her knees and caressed her fiancés dark brown hair softly, cooing to her. sweetly, taylor whispered, "i really think we should go to the hospital now, babe." before kissing the brown haired woman's forehead.

"no. not yet," nova said roughly. she was in so much pain, she didn't mean to come off as rude. she just did. "i have to wait until my contractions are at most three minutes apart. right now they're only five."

taylor frowned. "nova," she said, almost condescending. "we have to go to the hospital right now."

nova agreed, finally, and taylor helped her stand up. it took nearly five minutes for her to get up, and when she took her first step, she grabbed her stomach and shouted in pure agony.

it was so hard for taylor to hear her in pain, she couldn't even begin to imagine how nova was feeling.

"i think we have a wheelchair from when my mom broke her ankle, let me look," taylor helped nova lean over their bathroom counter as she checked the closet for a wheelchair. thankfully, taylor's memory was extremely good, and she found the wheelchair easily.

nova sat down heavily in the wheelchair, and taylor wheeled her out to the car. as nova got into the passenger seat, she held her stomach tightly.

by the time taylor got into the car, nova was wiping her forehead with a washcloth taylor had grabbed her.

"try getting some rest," taylor said softly. "you might as well while you still can. we're going to have a long day ahead of us."

at the hospital, taylor wheeled nova in, asking every single person in that room for help. as she walked up to the reception desk, she was frantic. she looked like she had done coke in the parking lot.

"please help, my fiancé is in labor, and she needs to get a room as soon as possible, please." taylor begged, and the receptionist with long, straight black hair looked at her sweetly.

"is this her first?" the lady asked and taylor nodded.

the receptionist took the wheelchair from taylor and began walking to a room for nova. as they walked into the room something felt familiar.

"alright, you're going to be staying in room 619," the receptionist spoke as they walked into the room. "the doctor will be in shortly to check how dilated you are."

it all suddenly came flooding back to taylor. "okay, nova will be in room 619 to your right."

taylor heard the nurses voice in her head. she had been in this room before. they had both been in this room before, only hours after nova had crashed her car.

eeee next chapter will be up may 2!! can't wait ;)

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