a/n-Y'all need Jesus anyways here's another *fics

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Okay yes, this story is done, but there were a few questions asked in the last A/N and since it's been a minute I figured I'd answer all two of them and do a shameless self plug because some of y'all don't know about the other fic.

Before I go on I'd like to remind you that if you plan on rereading this fic or anything, please do not leave comments being like "oh who's top who's bottom?" "I think this one's bottom" "no this one definitely is" because it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm not saying to delete the one's that already exist because they were written in good fun a while ago and I didn't express that they made me uncomfortable, but I want all you to refrain from leaving any new ones. Us gay men get asked this a lot and with all do respect not is it really none of your business (look I know chapter 10 exists and it reeks of inexperience but that does not give you a pass). Not to mention personality has no affect on what you do in the bedroom. Your place in sex depends on how you communicate with your partner and what you want to do, not always personality or height or strength or whatever. Plus a lot of couples do end up switching places so again it's not a personality thing and it's none of your business. Not to mention whenever someone asked me "Who's the top and who's the bottom in your relationship?" They've basically been asking the same, "Who's the man and who's the chick in your relationship?" Question, which doesn't want the answer it's asking for, it wants to know, "Who do I treat with respect as the authority and who do I talk down too or worse degrade for being in a submissive position?" Which like, niether of us first of all, and second is still not your business. Sorry for making this longer than it needs to be, now onto the questions.

aikastubfr asked "Wtf happened with kusuke" and then right underneath dumb_gay_boy asked "Did you want him to fuck shit up?"

Well while one of these questions is directed at me and the other isn't, I'll answer them both anyways. Kusuke is a force you cannot control. He sorta does whatever he wants and gets bored with Kusuo. Plus he probably got in trouble with international affairs when he kept trying to send drones halfway across the world. So in the end, I guess you could say Saiki got his dream come true with Satou becoming too ordinary for Kusuke to pick on.

Did I want him to fuck shit up? Not necessarily. Was it a convenient plot line to strengthen Saiki and Satou's relationship. Plus I have a habit of going "too far" with angst. I tend to break down a character until they're a shell and when I'm told it's harsh, people are shocked when I ask, "wait this is harsh?" So if I hadn't just stopped with Kusuke then he probably would have gone and did a war crime.

Kit_hella_gay asked, "What's your favorite color? I don't know why I just wanted to know."

Black, like my soul (jk, unless....)

Not a question but I noticed a lot of people commenting on Saiki having kids by shape shifting. Some people saying that he decided to be a girl so he could have kids (which I'm not being a dick I just want to clear up any misunderstanding or misphrasing which I'll get to in a second) some people saying he was crazy for going through childbirth twice, and some people even saying that this must make Satou Hiroshi bi.

Allow me to explain. The first thing we need to clear up is that Saiki is a man no matter what, he is a trans man and no matter what form he takes he will always be a man. Dressing feminine or having a feminine anatomy does not make you any less of a man and vice versa. While us trans folks can't shape shift the way Saiki does, we trans men unfortunately have a baby maker, and it's unfortunately completely functional (most of the time). Some trans men do go through with a pregnancy, like Saiki, and that's completely valid. Doesn't make them any less of a man, and typically they don't stop presenting as male just because of a baby. Saiki having a baby still makes him a man. As for him going through multiple times, I want to ask if you perhaps have siblings? Someone who's made of the same two people's materials as you? People go through it multiple times willingly in the real world too you know. Heck some people are crazy and you end up with the one kid in your class that has five siblings and more on the way. Why is it when a boy does it suddenly it's weird?

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