Chapter Twenty-Four

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The Nosakare Case was handled privately by the principal of St. Pete Guttman of Paos

Secondary School, the vice principal administration and the class teachers of both Nosa and William's classes.

Other disciplinary cases were handled by the disciplinary committee which consisted of more teachers and a student representative from each class but this one involved the head boy, their golden student and they were certain that it was a small matter. Surely, there was no need to get the rest of the school involved.

They looked over the report and called the nurse in to confirm that Will had in fact caused bodily harm to Nosa on multiple occasions. Will's class teacher argued that he was an upstanding student who, yes did go overboard in his discipline sometimes, but his actions were for the good of the school. Nosa's class teacher argued that Nosa had begun acting differently since Will had been given the post of head boy a year earlier. He could not tell if that difference was good or bad-- afterall, Nosa was the quiet student who sat at the back of the class. He did not know the boy all that well.

When all was said and done, Will was quietly sent on a week's suspension and charged to be less brutal with his punishments. He also had to privately apologize to Nosa and they watched as he did so with proud smiles on their face. Yes, Will was a young man who learned from his mistakes and forgiveness was encouraged at St. Pete Guttman’s.

When the students kept asking where Will went, they announced that he had gone on assignment for the school.


Midterm break was just around the corner but, first, they had CA tests and Nosa wasn't looking forward to that.

It wasn't like he constantly failed, he was good enough at school work, he just didn't like the pressure that came with writing tests and exams. The more he read, the less he knew and, whenever he got into the exam hall, his palms began to sweat so badly that he found it hard to hold his pen.

And, most importantly, he was bad at math.

Nosa was so bad at math that he sometimes needed a calculator to solve two plus two. He was so bad at math that he once wrote that two times three was eight in an exam and this was after he had solved the entire question and decided that that last equation was easy enough to do without a calculator.

At Pere Guttman’s, passing mathematics, English language and the core subjects of your class was a necessity, if he failed his math test, he would have to come to school during the midterm break for extra lessons. If it were any other time in his life, he wouldn't have minded because he had no midterm plans anyway. But now that he did, he couldn't risk failure.

"I could tutor you," Irekan said on their walk home from school the following Monday. "I'm good at math."

After their fight (if they could call it that), they easily fell back into old habits. Their CA tests held that Thursday and Friday, they would be marked and graded the following week and on the Friday of that week, those who didn't meet the requirements to have a school free midterm break would be announced. Nosa had to pass.

"I was under the impression that you're good at everything," Nosa deadpanned. 

Irekan shot him a cocky smile, "I can't deny that."

"Your humility is astounding."

"Let me help you though," Irekan said, getting back to the topic at hand. "I don't want to hear 'I went for lessons now I'm tired' on the night of the concert." He gasped suddenly and added, "Or, even worse, you somehow fall asleep when we're there. God! I'm teaching you math, whether you like it or not."

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