Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter dedicated to unrelatedrae. Thanks for all your support!

Naomi looked around the suite, watching her friends who hung around the room, some holding cans of beer while other had red solo cups. It was a small party, just the band, their close friends and their producer. Their manager had shown up but only to congratulate them on a show well done, he was much older than them so this wasn't a party for him. It wasn't that much of a party anyway, they had to keep their volume low because of the other patrons of the hotel, but Naomi liked it. 

Jameelah and Ada were talking at a corner of the room while Mathew, MJ, Cheta and Oshla, the band's lead guitarist, were sitting around the coffee table, playing what looked like a weird game of strip Ludo. Naomi felt like a proud mum. She really accomplished something and she would be forever be grateful for the people who stayed with her on this journey.

"Namesie, it's a party!" Jamee shouted from across the room. "Stop looking like you want to weep."

"I demand a speech!" Mathew said looking up from the game of Ludo. His shirt was off which meant he was doing better than MJ who was looking dejected in his underwear.

"Yeah," Cheta agreed. "Give us a speech, Mummy Joromi."

Naomi laughed, "Call me that again and you're out of the band."

Everyone in the room laughed at that and it only made her smile wider. Once Mathew had quieted down the room, everyone turned to her waiting for her to speak. Naomi cleared her throat. 

"About five years ago, I decided to give a big 'fuck you' to my parents and start a band," she began. "The grind was hard at first, so hard that I thought we were just going to end up being another small time band playing Twenty One Pilots covers to people who don't even know them. But we made it," she shot her audience a cocky smile, "because we're amazing." A chuckle ran through the crowd and she went on, "What I didn't envision though was having all this. I finally have an amazing group of friends."

"Amen," Ada agreed. 

"We just finished this badass show and there will be many more to come. So," Naomi lifted the can of beer in her hand, "here's to many more years, here's to--"

A ring tone cut through the air, Naomi paused and looked towards the direction of the sound.

Jamee reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, frowning as she glanced at the screen.

"It's Nosa," She said.

"The fan boy?" Naomi asked just as MJ asked "My guy's friend?"

Jamee nodded and swiped her finger across the screen, pressing the phone to her ear. The people in the room began to murmur, probably wondering what was going on or waiting for Naomi to finish her speech. Naomi didn't continue though, she had a bad feeling about that call and when Jamee turned pale, her feelings were confirmed. 

Jamee pressed the phone into Ada's hands, unable to speak. Ada spoke into the phone briskly, her demeanor turning as grave as her best friends. 

"What's going on?" Naomi asked, worried. It couldn't be that bad, could it? 

Ada shook her head and swallowed hard. In that moment, the entire room fell completely silent. "There's been an emergency."


Nosa had to coordinate plans with Egho if he wanted to escape with Irekan on Friday night.

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