Chapter 12

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It felt like there were so many of them all walking at us. Some were still in human form but some were in their wolf form.

I hear a collective gasp and a few curses float in the air by my refugees. I hold in my breath and glance at Greg. He is staring at the soldiers with anger and sadness. No fear.

I see movement along the back line of soldiers and extend my sight to see that it is Brad. He looks pissed.

My heart soars and I make a split second decision.

"RUN!" I scream and everyone starts to run. Even the soldiers.

Me and Greg immediately take off toward the forest with the rest behind us along with the soldiers.

I push through branches and jump over fallen trees. I silently thank Big Jim for all the training he gave me.

Trees snag at my clothes as I run and I feel a mixture of sweat and blood running down my face. Behind me, some one screams bloody murder. I slow down my running and turn to see wolves ripping through bodies and men fighting some others.

Some of the fast people zoom past me. I breath a sigh of relief that at least some of them are going to be free.

"Candice!" I hear someone yell behind me. I turn and see Greg standing behind a tree with the little boy. I forgot my fake name. "What are you doing?! We have to run!"

I shake my head. "I have to help them."

"Um, no, I'm pretty sure you don't." He says and waves me over to follow him.

I shake my head. "You run and get him to safety. Please, just run and get out of here before they get both of you."

He stands there for a moment with regret in his eyes. I see both their eyes widen and Greg yells "Behind you!"

I turn just in time to see a man running at me. I however, do not get out of the way in time. Our bodies slam on the ground with his on top of mine.

I punch my fist right into his face and it connects with his nose. Blood sprays down from his nose onto me. I shove him off me and watch as a man stalks toward me and pocks me up by my shirt to a standing position.

I struggle to get away but I immediately stop when I hear the fimiliar click of a gun.

I take a deep breath and take in my surroundings. Greg stands across from me with the boy and he also has a gun pointing at him.

The man I hit is now up from the ground and glaring at me with blood all over his face.

There are two other men that are also standing there with guns drawn.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"We don't want anything." Says the gun holding the gun. I hold my hands up, about ready to ask him why the hell he has a gun to my head then but he says, "but Alpha does."

I shudder. I kinda knew that he was going to say that but I still wasn't ready for it. "Um, would you happen to know why he wants me?"

The man gives me a dumb look. "You just helped all of our prisoners escape."

I beamed. "I know! Pretty proud of myself right now." My face falls. "And then you asshats had to come in and ruin it."

He growls at me and pushes the gun further into my head. "I don't know why he wants you cause I sure wouldn't."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." I say grimly.

He sighs long and loud and looks to Greg. "Are you going to get out of here or just let us take you with her?'

"He's leaving." I say quickly. He needs to get out of here with the boy and then they will be off my hands.

"I would listen to the girl on this one. We are giving you a free exit." A blonde guy says. I have no idea why I don't know them and why they are working for Brad.

He sighs and looks to me. His eyes show a huge internal war about whether or not to leave.

I give him a reassuring nod. "Go."

He nods too and turns to leave. As he goes the little boys eyes stay locked on mine while he walks.

I'm too caught up in the sad innocent eyes to see the guy next to me, bring his gun back and slam it into the perfect spot on the back of my head.

Pain explodes I'm my head and I become dizzy and my hearing gets fuzzy but I do hear one thing loud and clear.

It's the piercing scream of a small, young voice.


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