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Two years later.

Little screams wake me. I glanced at the clock, seeing I've only gotten an hour nap. My eye lids fall closed again but the screams only get louder.

I push myself up off the couch and down the hall. I turn the handle on the door knob and roll my eyes when the screaming almost instantly stops. I walk in and see my ten month old, Eli, holding onto the side of his crib, looking at me expectantly. A wide smile forms on his face as I walk over to him.

"You're a little goober, you know that?" I tell him. He only gurgles out a laugh and waves his hands at me. I pick him up and change his diaper before sitting down to feed him. It's been getting harder and harder to feed him with my growing belly.

Numbers 3 and 4!

I don't know why birth control decided not to work on me and bless me south twins only months after I gave birth to my second baby. And they are already enough of a hand full.

A shadow moves into the doorway and I watch Gage walk into the room holding onto Wyatt's little hand. They both look worn out.

I laugh. "Did you guys have fun?"

Wyatt immediately bounced his head up and down and rushes over to my side.

"We went to the slide and daddy went down with me and then we went on the swings and then played tag and catch. And daddy says I was doing good!" He stumbles over his words as they start pouring out of his two year old mouth.

I smile, "well I'm glad you had fun! Are you ready for a nap?"

Wyatt's smile disappears and he tilts his head as if debating on whether or not he's actually ready. Eventually he nods and I send Gage off to put him to sleep in his room.

Alex walls in a moment later carrying a sleeping baby in her arms. She found her mate and it just so happened to be Michael. They had a rough start at the beginning. With her wanting them to join a pack together but him wanting to stay with his group of rouges. She made him choose between her or them. He chose the right thing and picked her. Now they are members of my and Gage's pack.

Alex takes a seat in the rocking chair next to me, without a word. She had her baby girl, Jessica three weeks ago. I understand her need for sleep and alone time. I glance over at the two of them again only to see them both passed out. That's how it's been lately. We sleep whenever we can.

I finish feeding Eli and walk down to the living room. I don't even take two steps before he is already in Adrian's arms.

"I'm pretty sure you are getting more time with him than me, you know."

Adrian laughs. "Well Wyatt is a total daddy's boy so I have to make sure this little monster is an uncle's boy."

I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen, knowing full well that Eli is perfectly safe with Adrian. The kitchen is empty and I sit myself on a bar stool, lowering my head into my arms, taking deep breaths.

It's not that life now is bad. It's the opposite. I love everything and everyone around me so much. I wouldn't change a thing. It's just that, since we destroyed Brad's pack and the amulet, nothing has seemed to slow down. One baby after the next is coming along and I barely have alone time with myself or with Gage.

Two years ago, we did leave Brad's pack and land in ashes. We made sure especially to burn the amulet. I'm sure some weird power of some sort is floating around, waiting to be used because I doesn't just disappear. It physically can't.

But I'm not worried about it.

I feel hands rub up and down my back. I lean back and Gage wraps his arms all around me. He places a kiss on my head.

"How are you doing?" He mumbled in my hair.

I close my eyes and sigh. "I'm good now."

He squeezes me tighter in his hold. "So I was thinking...."


"That maybe we could take a day or two off. You know, call in my parents and go find a beach to relax on. Just us and 3 and 4." I smile. Since we haven't found out the gender of any of our pups, we've been calling them weird names. Like 3 and 4.

"That would be really nice." I mumbled. "Do you think they could handle it?"

I feel him shrug. "We'll see after. And besides, if they can't, they can call any of my siblings."

I grin. It has been beyond nice to have seven brother and sister in-laws who absolutely adore our children.

After two years of knowing all of them I'm pretty sure it was last week that I finally called them all by the right names. I don't think I've ever seen all of them together except for the first time I met them and that was beyond crazy. But I love them all anyway.

Gage leads me past the living room where Adrian is trying to build a tower of little wood blocks but is failing since Eli keep knocking it down with his little fists.

We start the trek up the stairs and by the second flight, my feet are aching and I'm pretty sure I'm sweating. I groan. "This is the one down side to pregnancy. I can barely move with out sweating!"

Gage chuckles and picks me up, carrying me bridal style to our room. He kicks the door closed behind us and sets me down on the bed. His mouth finds mine and I relish in the savoring taste.

"It's been to long." Gage mumbled against my mouth and all I do is nod in response before I pull him even closer to me so we can kiss some more.

Life is good now. Gage is happy. I'm happy. We've found it in each other and in the new life we've created. I will always have some unanswered questions but that is just what happens in this world and we have to deal with it.

I'm not going to worry about the past or the future. It isn't worth it. And besides, with Gage by my side, what could go wrong?

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