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Revai indeed wished he had been there on happier terms, that he had been able to just come here and enjoy the beauty of Makura village without hindrance; that everything in the last few days had not actually happened. Perhaps then he wouldn't have to explain this complicated situation to a friend he had only known for one summer, but instead share a pot of beer and discuss something lighthearted that did not involve murder and being a fugitive.

He wasn't happy about revealing bad news on arrival, but he had to do it. He needed help, they both did and the only way they would get it was by being transparent about what had happened. Without prolonging the silence any further, he looked at Hombarume whose face looked grim even in the dark, then he replied.

'I think you better sit down and refill your calabash for this, my friend.'

Immediately the both of them were signaled to wait by the fire while their host disappeared into his hut again for a few moments.

'Are you sure you can trust him with this?' Hombarume whispered.

'Since you decided to stay, you are going to have to trust me,' Revai replied.

He returned brandishing a small wooden bench which they sat on while he vanished yet again into his hut. When he returned he had a pot of beer with him and wooden bowls to dish up the sadza and goat meat relish he had prepared.

'Bear with me, I was not expecting visitors,' he said, pointing to the meager portions he had dished up.

'Let us eat, then drink while you tell me about the unfortunate events that have managed to bring Revai out of hiding.'

If only he knew, Revai thought. If only he knew that it was a grave matter that had brought them here, then he would not be trying to tell a joke. Hombarume sat quietly as he ate, his face totally expressionless, while he continued to worry about what he would say to his friend.

'This is Hombarume, one of the greatest hunters of our village, and an amazing fighter like you,' Revai said as Hombarume for the first time raised his head and forced a smile.

'And Hombarume, this is Mhangura, one of the greatest fighters of Makura,' he continued.

'Pleasure to meet you, fellow fighter. It's a shame it could not be under happier circumstances, judging by your face and shoulders, you must have quite a story,' Mhangura said, acknowledging Hombarume's bruises for the first time.

He took the pot and filled their gourds, passing them, and then waited patiently while Revai sought the right words to tell his story.

'We are here because it is no longer safe for us in Rujeko village. The Chief himself is after us,' Revai said.

'What happened?'

'There's a very deep rooted conspiracy against Hombarume and the Chief himself is at the center of it, as soon as I found out, I knew that I had to do the right thing and rescue Hombarume from certain death. They have accused him of multiple murders that cannot be explained. The healer, the seer, they are both dead and a Makura village is missing,' Revai explained.

'How exactly is the Chief involved in this?' Mhangura asked.

'I overheard him plotting to setup Hombarume at a sparring contest that was held a day ago and on that day, a third person died. The worst part is that when I confronted him about it, he could not even deny it,' Revai continued.

Mhangura sat there in awe, looking at him and probably wondering why he was being involved in such a conspiracy. He did not say anything for a while although Revai himself had stopped talking; instead he just took endless sips of his beer, ruminating on the matter. Hombarume himself did not add anything at all; he just kept quiet and watched Revai talk.

'You are saying all this happened in a matter of days?' Mhangura asked.

'Yes indeed, so much more than we can explain,' Revai replied.

'You can stay here for as long as it is safe while a way forward is being planned. I cannot even fathom what you have gone through.'

'I will never forget this, my friend,' Revai said.

He was truly grateful and relieved most of all that this person who was only an acquaintance at best had understood their situation and was ready to help. The only important thing left, like he said was to think of a way forward, what they would do from here and where they would go, but most importantly, what would happen to the people of Rujeko now that their Chief had revealed his true colors to them. It was all so overwhelming and Revai could tell that his friend was having a difficult time with the news although he had managed to keep it cordial so far. If he had declined their unexpected visit, he would not have blamed him.

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