Im A Pligrim

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You know the feeling when you just know for a fact shit is about to hit the fucking fan. You can tell yourself stuff like.

"it's fine everything is fine, you just witnessed some kind of twilight zone shit and now you have a girl calling you master while a very scary guy is trying to kill you like the last guy to obtain the power of this girl. Which by the way is a huntress ninja that can fucking appear out of no fucking where."

 For example, Well this is the situation I found myself in a week ago and I'm freaking the hell out. I mean the girl can read my mind, and knows how I feel and everything else. I have calmed down but this whole situation is stressful as hell. I have no clue what to do and I am hoping someone will come and help me. Till then I am going to explain exactly what happened a week ago.

It was going to be record high temperatures and one of my friends hit me up and asked if I wanted to go for a swim to beat this heat. All I had planned that day was YouTube and beating my meat, so I had time to kill. In about an hour he showed up in his beat up old truck that had the air broken in it. Accompanying him was his cousin in this tight ass bikini that just made her shit pop out. Of course it didn't help with the crush I had on her. I mean this was clear signs she wanted me but god forbid mean make a move on girls anymore. I rather not have the title of sex offender because I hit on her and ask her out. Anyways u hopped in getting the window seat while my best friend's cousin was between me and him. It was about 20 minutes in the smoldering truck and I fought every urge just to stare at each beat of sweat dripping down her chest. Let's be real guys, it's a struggle for sure. Now thinking about it I should lay out the river we went to. The water itself comes from the dam, it's also used for rafting when the water is released. You have the dam maybe 200 feet from the spit we were at. Maybe 100 feet further down is a metal bridge that allows people to go over the water when it's high. In the spot we were at there were three drop off spots and about 4 narrow slides. The slides are where water curved through stone in a way you could ride it into a pool area. The drop offs are like mini waterfalls. You can sit on the edge and not worry about being pulled off. You could jump off the waterfall area, into a deep pool below and come out unharmed. 

We were at the middle waterfall. The place was a bit packed with kids running around and teens having their summer fun. I found some teens staring at my best friend's cousin with me as she was sitting at the waterfall edge. I went under the waterfall edge and grabbed one of her feet. The thing I didn't expect was her panicking and flipping around onto her stomach cleanly pulling off her top and falling on top of me. We both went under water and came up at the same time. I started to notice people looking at me, this us when I turned to his cousin and saw her covering her chest. This is when I saw her bikini top hanging on the rock above. I couldn't reach it, so I decided to help her out and got out of the water and went around to the top grabbing it. As I picked it up the Alarm for the dam releasing the water went off which gave us about 5 minutes till the water started to fill up. So I of course was not scared or anything, I jumped off the edge into the water below and came to the surface near her and helped her get her bikini back on. Once successfully hiding her breast we started to make our way out of the area and to safety. We were just about out of the water when I heard people screaming and yelling.


I turned towards the direction of the dam and was highly surprised to see a wall of water barreling towards us maybe 100 feet away. I like to first say this is not normal. This wall was just about as tall as the bridge, meaning something went wrong at the dam. As normally slowly release water to give people plenty of time to get out. So seeing this tsunami rushing at me and my friend's cousin, I got out of the way easily but of course his cousin slipped and busted her ass on the wet rock. I'm not sure why I did what I did but all I know is I had very limited time to react. Unfortunately I chose to rush down to her and quickly yanked her to her feet and pushed her butt up the damn rocks but I was not so lucky. In a blink of an eye I was pulled away by the rush of water, I quickly swam to the surface as I barely missed trees and big rocks that could be stepped on by the water. This is when I noticed others stuck in the same situation. What made my case different is I made it past the metal bridge and most of them hit it. They didn't survive, this is when I first saw Alastríona, The Wild Guardian.  

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