Chapter 146-150

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Lin Yuan is not good at getting along with others, so in the next few days, although he has been in and out of the company, he is still familiar with only Gu Qiangyun and his daughter.

But the surrounding environment, Lin Yuan has quickly become familiar with.

He took turns to taste several dining places near the company.

Different from QinZhou.

The food here is not very spicy. I like to add sugar when cooking.

Lin Yuan has a heavy taste, so he is not used to eating, but he can find his favorite food, so it is not difficult to swallow.

It is worth mentioning that.

The snacks here are quite delicious. Lin Yuan would occasionally buy some to eat before work.

At this time, the opening time of Qiyi school is getting closer and closer.

With three days to go before Qiyi starts school, the company has finally reached a new single intention!

It's very fast.

Because normally, it takes the company a month or two to get a list.

The one who got the new order was Gu Dong.

However, it's not the company's credit to get this order, it's the envy of fish.

The other side was not willing to cooperate with xingmang music at the beginning.

Gu Dong finally moved out Xianyu and said that he was a gold medal composer sent by Qinzhou headquarters to the branch company. He could create the theme for the other side, and the other side was finally moved!

The company attaches great importance to this matter.

When the other party came to the company to discuss cooperation, Gu Qiangyun, as the manager of the branch company, went out to meet him personally.

"The situation in your company is worse than I expected."

After getting off the car, the person in charge of Party A looks at the company with ordinary image and opens his mouth.

This time Party A is from a film company. They made a movie and needed a theme song.

"Ha ha."

Gu Qiangyun laughed awkwardly: "the important thing is talents. Our company is full of talents, especially our company representative Mr. Xianyu, who is a genius from the land of music. But I begged with Qinzhou headquarters for a long time, and our headquarters was willing to send people here!"

The person in charge of Party A said lightly: "if it wasn't for this fish admirer, I would not have come to your company. The song of" big fish "is not bad."

"Yes, yes."

Gu Qiangyun is used to the attitude of Party A.

After entering the door, he and Gu Dong take each other into the reception office.

Party A drank the tea made by Gu Dong and said, "let me talk about the requirements. Let's see if it's OK. We want a song with the theme of urban love..."

His request was very detailed and he talked about it for a long time.

Gu Qiangyun has a posture of listening attentively.

When the other party finished, Gu Qiangyun rubbed his hands and said, "this is the situation."

"I understand."

Party A is responsible for the price? If you are satisfied, you can add more. "

"Not that..."

Gu Qiangyun said: "we admire teacher Yu for writing songs. There is a requirement that after the songs are written, the singer and the recording should be decided by him."

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