a job well done?

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The sound of urgent footsteps bounce amongst the walls of a hidden base. If it wasnt for kaeyas information, they wouldn't have ever found where the innocent kids where being held. Despite vague answers and slurred words, captain kaeya was able to see through every detail and letter.

"This way. Follow us and we will lead you to the exit. Don't worry about the bad guys." a knight cooed in comfort to the fear filled children, leading them as promised.

"Walk carefully! We don't want any of you hurt!" another knight explained.

"Are any of you hurt? Do you know how long you've been here?"

Comforting words and questions continued through their leave of the base. 12 children successfully saved from the inhumane acts of the fatui.

Kaeya had successfully been able to calm down the issue at hand. With that, he took off from the city and headed for Windrise. He truly didn't know why, maybe the scenery is what magnetized him, though that was very unlikely. Typically he took his break time at the angels' share or helped the traveler with tasks around mondstat, but today was anything but a typical day.

His boots sludged into the wet grassy field, his pace slow but sly, unlike his usual confident wander. Days like these only filled him with memories of grief and disappointment. It was the day just like this one when diluc and kaeya were no longer brothers. And it was the day like this one when his oh so called father left him behind. Though, kaeya never thought those memories as hurtful or something to cry over, if anything it felt like nothing to him. Not as if he doesn't feel bad from those memories, but tired from feeling anything at all.

His footsteps halt as he stands before a statue of The Seven. The faceless archon glowed brightly amongst the dark and gray sky. Droplets of water traced down the archons figure due to the heavy storm. Flowers around the area looked as if they would simply pop out the ground and fly away with the raging wind. But all kaeya could see was the memories of his father and diluc looking through his person.

One could easily be fooled by the rain.

"If you cried in the rain, would anyone know you were truly crying, or would the raindrops simply hide such an important detail?" kaeya had once asked the traveler when talking to them about his more interesting skills of interrogation.

But can thunderstorms hide cries louder than screams?

"Brother, can i talk to you?" the memories flooded his head.

Can the raindrops hide the blood on your form?

"You are our last hope."

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