Chapter Twenty-Six: The Battle

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We woke up and got ready for the battle Carlisle kissed my belly and said: " You stay next to me the whole time ok." I looked at him and said: " You know I can't do that the best thing we can do is stay alive." We all went to the living room to talk about the plan again Bella and Edward went to the top of the mountain last night I looked at Sophie and said: " You and Jeremy will be in the trees with wolf venom arrows to make the ones in the back weaker so when we get to them it will be easier to kill them and you will put a spell on where you will be hiding so they can't smell or see you we will be in the front so they will be worried more about us then you the wolves will come out as they get closer to us  if I call a code 45 then everyone needs to get behind me because that's when I am going to use my fire if I say code 44 them I and Klaus will be in wolf form for a little while and whatever you do stay alive everyone got the plan." They nodded and before we go I look at Carlisle and say " Come here I need to do something." He looked at me and as everyone walks out I bite him he looked at me and his eyes go to red and black and back to golden he looked at me and said: " I feel stronger how did you do that." I looked at him and said: "You are an Alpha mate you can feel my power when I bite you now let's go and keep our kids safe." We get to the field and I can smell them coming the Cullens don't ever smell bad to me but the army they smell like death and that angered me as they got closer I looked at the trees and say " Now." We run and start killing them Carlisle keeps trying to keep up with me I looked behind him and see a vampire I jump behind him and I rip the vampire's head off I looked at Carlisle and I bite him his eyes go red and black and so does mine and we start fighting we I looked to see Emmett and Paul helping each other and I see three vampires going after Rosalie and Rebekah I looked at Klaus and said: " Code 44 now we need to save our family." I block Klaus so he could turn first after he was a wolf I ran and jump on a vampire and I turn into a wolf I ran and see Emmett trying to help Rosalie and Rebekah I run in front of them and rip some of the vampires apart and so did Klaus after they were dead I look to find Carlisle and he was helping Esme and Stefan when they got done I smelled Victoria and she was going to the up the mountain she smelled Bella the plan didn't work I was about to run up there but Sam said: " No Keyvon we need you down here there starting to come back theirs more then we thought we need your firepower Seth is up there with Edward he will be fine." I nodded and I looked to see Carlisle fighting four of them I turn back home and I run to the and set them on fire I kissed him and said: " I have to end this Code 45 now move it." Carlisle looked at me and said: " No that could kill you please don't do this." Elijah grabs Carlisle and everyone runs behind me and I walk in front and this happens 

I let everything over the past year come out of me and when I burned them I pashed out thinking of Carlisle one last time."

Carlisle Pov 

I looked at Keyvon I never know she was that powerful when she stopped she passed out I went to her and said: " Keyvon wake up for me please Klaus help." He ran over and bite his wrist and put it to Keyvon's mouth trying to get her to drink his blood but before he could open her mouth to put the blood in she opened her eyes and gasped she looked at me and I went to her and kissed her and said: " Never do that again." She looked at me and said; " I promise I will get control of it Leah watch out." I look to see one of them got out of the fire in time and was going after Leah before Keyvon could move Jake grabbed him and tried to kill it but it broke his ribs so Alice and Jasper had to kill it I told the wolves to take Jake back to his house and that I would be there soon they couldn't be here when the Volturi come that's when I say this girl behind her and Esme said: " She was hiding I told her we would keep her safe." I looked at Esme and nodded and Keyvon went up to the girl and said: " What is your name honey." She looked at Keyvon and said: " My name is Bree what is yours."  Keyvon looked at her and said: " My name is Keyvon stay behind us ok." As the Volturi came Keyvon tried not to turn knowing they may kill the girl that she already want to protect." 

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