Chapter Thirty-One: Truth Be Told

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I woke up this morning so happy I was changing and I say that I had a small baby bump Carlisle woke up and said: " I can hear their heartbeats now how." I looked at him and said: " You forgot Mother Elde said my pregnancy would start off a little fast because you are a vampire and I am a werewolf remember." He looked at me and said: " Let's go take your ultrasound picture and then tell them." We go to his office which he made into a small hospital for when I give birth we go to the ultrasound sound machine and he put the cold goo on my belly and we see them and they look like this. 


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I looked at him and said: " I was right were having twins look at them." He looked at me and said: " I can't wait to meet them let's tell the family." We go to open the door and they fall on the floor and I say " Ya'll trying to find out what was going on let's go in the living room." Rosalie looked at me and said: " No Bella and Edward are in the living room." I looked at her and said: " No I can't be scared anymore I need to do this for me." She looked at me and nodded we go outside and Bella said: " Carlisle can you check me out without Keyvon being in there." He looked at her and said: " No Sammy will check you out and she will be helping with your pregnancy." Klaus looked at me and said: " Don't say anything if she does anything to them I will kill her I mean it." Bella looked at me and said: " What is he talking about and you got fatter." I looked at Klaus and said: " If she does you won't be the only one to kill her but I need to do this for me." Bella looked at me and said: " What the fuck is going on." I looked at her and said: " I'm pregnant with twins." Everyone looked at me and Alice hugs me and says " Finally we have been waiting for days to get that call." Bella and Edward looked shocked and she said: " You are lying because I said I was pregnant you are just a bitch." She ran at me and Carlisle and Klaus got in front of me and Klaus said: " Listen there are two heartbeats you can hear them clear as day and if she hurts them I will kill her I don't care if you do love her." They look at me and listen to their heartbeats and she says " What is she having a baby." Edward looked at me shocked and said: " Yes you can hear two heartbeats she is pregnant with twins but how." I looked at him and said: " I never wanted to keep anything from you but with Bella being here you just let her do whatever she wanted no matter who she hurt and I will not let her hurt my babies I will kill her with my bare hands if I have to."  He looked at me and said: " How long have you known you could have a baby with Dad." I put magic in my hand and I showed them everything that I knew about myself and Carlisle having kids Bella looked at me and said: " You knew for almost a damn year and you have been trying to help Rosalie and Emmett have a baby." I looked at her and said: " You are an evil person and you are not my son mate I will let him believe this lie but when he finds his mate you are fucking gone even if we have to get you a house on an island alone." She looked at me and before she could say anything my mom comes in and my dad says " I knew I felt it our family is getting bigger I can hear their heartbeats our baby girl is having twins." I hug them and my mom laughed and I said: " Why are you laughing at momma." She looked at me and said: " Be ready to never get sleep for the next three years." I laughed and said: " But I will get some sleep momma because on the weekend they will be at their grandparent's house." She looked at me and said: " No they won't be there  every weekend." I looked at my momma and laughed and Bella said: " No one is going to say anything about her lying." I looked at her and said: " I didn't lie to anyone but you two everyone else knows." She looked at me and said: " You lie to your son and you feel nothing." I looked at her and said: " I had no choice you had your claws into him and we all know if you got a chance you would kill my kids but if you try you will die slowly and but my hand." She looked at me and said: " I would never do that to a child." I looked at her and said: " Take this and we will see." She looked at me and then the bottle and said: " No I don't need a truth spell I would never hurt a child Edward tell her I don't need that." He looked at her and said: " Take it Bella these are my sister or brothers I need to be sure." She looked at him shocked and took the bottle and drink it and I looked at her and said: " Is this Jake's child or Edward's." She looked at me and said: " It's Edward I stop sleeping with Jake after the fight with Victoria." I looked at her and said: " Would you hurt my children because of your hate for me." She closed her mouth like she was trying not to speak but then she said: " Yes this was going to be about me but no you just had to get pregnant I hate you and those babies will die with you." Klaus goes to throw her out the window but I stopped him and said: " Listen, Klaus, she is pregnant that baby is not to be hurt she has nothing to do with her evil mother." Klaus stops and looked at Edward and said: " If she hurt them I will hurt her and you because you are the reasons she is here." I slapped him and said: " Never hurt my son do you hear me." I looked at her and said: " You can stay into you have the baby but then you need to go I don't want her around my kids ever." He looked at me and said: " Please I love her don't do this." I looked at him finally hitting my breaking point and said: " No I am done you think you love her you don't love her you just don't want to be alone but you won't be because you got your family and I am not going to put this bitch before what our family wants anymore when she turns she will not be living with us and she will not have a  clue where we are you are happy to stay are go with her." I looked at Klaus and said: " I am going to call the girl I know they would love to be here and I am sure they can take some time out of school  to be here." She looked at me and said: " Who the fuck is coming here I don't want them her." I looked at her and said: " I don't give a fuck what you want you mean nothing to me." Stefan looked at me and said: " I all ready called Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie they are on the way." I looked at him and said: " Thank you come on Carlisle we need to go check Bella." Bella follows us into his office and he looks at Sammy and said: " Can you go and get me everything in this room for Bella so we can have two different rooms for them." They looked at Bella and Carlisle says " I can't see the baby it looks like it may kill her I don't know what it is." She looked at me and said: " Didn't the same thing happen to Keyvon could her children kill her." I looked at her and said: " No you can see my kids and mine won't kill me because I am a werewolf I can hold them because I am just as strong as them so they won't kill me." I walk out and say " When are they getting here I really need my other sisters." He looked at me and said: " They said it will take one week to finish their transfer exams and then they will be here." The next thing I know Bonnie called my phone and said: " Is it true you about to have twins we are taking the transfer exams so we can go to Washington University and then we can live there with you." And then I say " Yeah I am having kids I am happy you will be living here with us but we are going to be moving around a lot." And then she said: " We will finish school and then we will move with you a little bit to see the world."  And then I said: " I would love that now go study for your exams so you can move already."  I said bye and hung up the phone Bella was a little upset because people kept telling her to not have the baby and no one was saying anything to me I got an idea and said: " Edward I need to test your blood." I looked at him and I tested his blood and said: " It matched mine you have the werewolf gene." He looked t me and said: " How do I have a werewolf gene." I looked at him and said: " Your father or mother had the werewolf gene and passed it down to you but you never turned into a werewolf because you got turned into a vampire before you were turned into a werewolf." He looked at me and said: " So what does that mean." I looked at him and said: " You are a hybrid that's how Bella got pregnant and that's how your mate will get pregnant." He looked at me and said: " Thank you for letting me do this even though she's not my mate I just don't want to be alone while everyone else has someone." I looked at him and said: " I know the feeling back in my hometown I felt like out of my group of friends I was the only person who was alone and deep down I hated it but I waited and I find Carlisle and I was happy all you have to do is wait." He hugged me and went to Bella and I hugged Carlisle as he guarded my almost big belly with his life. 


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