[Alpha Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader] part 1/2

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Word count: 1447

When Tamaki introduced himself as an alpha it was a surprise to everyone including himself. His alpha smell rivaled his calm and quiet attitude confusing most people.

Until his arrival at the UA his situation with the omegas was difficult, his deep shyness ended up disappointing most of them and at the beginning of his first year at the UA things didn't change much, in a school full of powerful alphas Tamaki ended up being even more unnoticed. He himself knew that he wasn't exactly the kind of alpha that an omega wanted.

It was when he joined the big three that things changed. Even while maintaining his shyness and meek attitude it was obvious to everyone that he was a strong and powerful standout alpha, even among everyone in the AU.

It was from this point on that several omegas started to declare themselves to the poor boy. Omegas began to confuse his shyness with the cliché cold and distant alpha and decided to be the one who would make the alpha warm up.

He felt terrible about rejecting all those omegas but deep down he knew the truth, they only wanted him because he was one of the big three. They still wanted an alpha with a strong attitude and not a shy, awkward one like him. If he accepted, they would just be disappointed and would dump him.

Tamaki was a quiet and meek alpha, insecure and embarrassed.

Y/n knew that. And Tamaki was exactly what she desired.

When she joined the UA Y/n omegas program she was terrified, alphas have always been a touchy subject for her and she feared most of them with their aggressive and possessive attitudes as if omegas were just territory to be defended and conquered.

In fact she didn't even want to join the program, it was her parents who insisted "if you have a strong alpha he will protect you and you will stop being afraid of others"...yes of course. They just wanted the benefits of their daughter having a hero known as an alpha.

Going into UA Y/n was frustrated with all those alphas and was almost determined to end the program without one.

It was only two weeks after school started that she saw him. An alpha with a delicious smell that made her inner omega purr, with shaggy purple hair and pointy ears that piqued her curiosity.

Fortunately she was able to meet the alpha many more times from then on, despite always keeping her distance she was able to learn that his name was Tamaki Amakiji, a shy and gentle alpha who was attending the first year hero course.

From that day she met him a year had flown by and Y/n was officially turned upside down by the alpha. Unlike others he didn't seem aggressive or scary and his shyness was extremely endearing to the omega. He was simply everything she had always desired from an alpha.

During the vacations Y/n decided that she would approach the alpha of her dreams in her sophomore year. It seemed easy at first but Tamaki quickly began to gain prominence among the school's alphas due to his abilities and expectations as a hero. Many omegas who previously wouldn't have been interested were now surrounding the alpha pushing Y/n into a corner.

It wasn't until the middle of the second year when Tamaki finally noticed Y/n. While walking around the school with Mirio and Nejire a small distressed groan from an omega sounded loudly in Tamaki's ear leaving him surprisingly alarmed. Turning to where the sound came from Tamaki lets out an inward growl as he sees the obviously frightened omega being cornered by an alpha. Following his gaze Mirio recognizes the omega and with an "oh it's Y/n again, I'll be right back" leaves the two behind.

Y/n had always been insecure about herself. She didn't exactly consider herself the best omega, or the prettiest, or smart with nothing to make her stand out.

Yet in this situation there was something that gave her a little confidence. The fact that all those omega's didn't want him for who he was, only for the future hero he might become, but she wanted him for the sweet alpha that he was. Still, that kept her at a distance from both Tamaki and any other alpha. It was Tamaki she wanted, she would not accept another.

"Y/n?" Tamaki asks Nejire and she explains "It's an omega from the show but since it doesn't have any alpha yet or even have the scent of one in it there are annoying alphas who decide to try their luck. As if cornering the poor thing is going to work."

Tamaki watches the scene as Mirio approaches and scares off the alpha that was pestering her. Getting up if the omega thanks Mirio, casting a glance with a quick smile at Tamaki and then leaving.

The smell of the omega was simply delightful and as he disappeared along with the omega an uneasy feeling was left in his chest knowing that sooner or later this situation would repeat itself for the little omega.

A few more weeks passed and Tamaki found himself constantly searching for the omega. Instead of being embarrassed and staring at the ground he found himself often oblivious to the crowd, only in search of the omega. These searches gave rise to several exchanges of glances where he found himself returning the sweet smiles she gave him.

Such attitudes did not go unnoticed by Mirio and Nejire, who were initially proud that their friend was able to face people but later realized that this was only because he was focused on a certain omega.

Tamaki was constantly lost in thoughts and memories of the small smiles he had received. As he walked alone through the halls of the AU her smell once again flooded his senses but this time the smell emanated fear which made Tamaki run in the direction of the smell

He quickly searches for the omega. Jaw clenched and fists clenched tightly when he spots an alpha too close that was pinning her against a wall.

Instinctively Tamaki moves towards her releasing a growl accompanied by a strong alpha scent, such attitudes quickly scare away the alpha who was harassing her.

Although she could already tell by the smell, Y/n smiles with tears in her eyes as she looks up and confirms that it was Tamaki.

He offers his hand and Y/n takes it being pulled up directly into Tamaki's arms who twitches her nose as she smells the other alpha on the omega. To his surprise she snuggles into him returning the hug, and he could swear he was mad but couldn't stop himself from starting to smell the omega who just purred lightly with her face buried in his chest further encouraging the alpha in him to continue his actions.

Y/n couldn't stop the small purr that escaped her lips. She had longed to smell him up close for so long and now here she was, buried in his chest as he spread his scent on her. Right now even a tomato would be envious of how red she was.

When the other alpha's scent could no longer be sensed Tamaki finally pulled away making himself aware of his actions and although embarrassed found himself unable to look away from the extremely blushing omega.

"S-sorry, his scent was on you and I just thought if I left my scent it would drive them away"

Y/n widens his eyes slightly "There's no need to apologize. I appreciate it quite a bit actually, by not having any alpha's scent on me I end up attracting quite a bit of attention. That alpha smelled bad but your smell is quite nice...I don't mind having it on me" the last part came out in a whisper but he was perfectly able to pick it up.

Tamaki has to muster all the courage he has left for what he is about to say "If you want I can do it more often, then they wouldn't bother you"

Y/n turns even redder and tries to contain the huge smile. With a slight nod she replies "I would be great"

With that Tamaki pulls her to him again, resting his chin on the top of her head to hide his blush and resumes his care gently covering her with more of his scent.

When they parted they each went on to their class and for the rest of the day Y/n radiated happiness. That night when Y/n lay in bed she was still purring loudly as she felt herself enveloped in Tamaki's scent, not only had the alpha she had always dreamed of saved her but he had smelled her and promised to do so again.

Omega Program [alpha mha x omega reader]Where stories live. Discover now