[Alpha Tamaki Amajiki x omega reader] part 2/2

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Word count: 1475

Since that time many others have followed and it wasn't just Y/n getting Tamaki's scent on her, the alpha himself eventually began to get the smell of the omega present on him. To the relief of both of them Y/n stopped having problems with other alphas. The times when Tamaki scented Y/n became much more frequent than was really necessary and gave rise to several afternoons spent in each other's company to study or simply for the company.

Tamaki felt extremely relaxed in the presence of the omega, it was apparent how he had basically taken over the role of his alpha. Mirio even started knocking on Tamaki's dorm door before entering since upon entering without knocking as usual he found Tamaki and Y/n snuggled on his bed. Y/n sitting between the alpha's legs with her back on his chest and him with his arms around her waist and nose buried in her hair and neck directly at the site of her scent gland. It was hard to argue that they were not in fact mates.

It was clear as water to Mirio and Nejire that they were in love with each other. Tamaki even slept outside Y/n's dormitory door when she was in heat to ward off other alphas! Yet Tamaki and Y/n remained in this state of "just sniffing each other to avoid other alphas" for months.

It was at the beginning of the third year that problems arose.

With Tamaki joining the big three several omegas began to ignore the omega emanating the smell of the alpha and even the slight smell of omega on the alpha and began their attempts to get the alpha's attention.

Y/n was once again bullied but this time by other omega's who wanted to get her away from Tamaki by throwing nasty comments that slowly destroyed the security she had built in her relationship with the alpha. "If he really wanted you he would have tagged you" "how would a powerful alpha want an omega like you". Incessant laughter haunted her and plagued her at night.

Still she never told him, it all started so she would stop being harassed and although things between them had evolved she feared he would pull away if he knew she had been bullied again because of him snorting.

Slowly the assailants words became more and more entrancing.

What if she really was preventing him from getting the omega he wanted?

He was a very gentle alpha, maybe he was just maintaining this sort of relationship to help her get rid of the other alphas?

With all those omegas would he still prefer her? Did he really ever prefer her?

Y/n tries to push away the insecurities and hold back the tears. Curled up in a corner Y/n was trying to calm herself as she held a beautiful bentō box tightly against her chest. Today was Valentine's Day, in previous years her heat always fell on this week but this time she had taken suppressants so she could attend school.

This was her senior year and she wanted to at the very least thank Tamaki for all he had done for her. Unlike the typical chocolates Y/n brought in a beautiful box several cupcakes made of octopus, venison, ox, pig, clam, snake and even carnivorous plant. The cupcakes were beautifully toasted and on top of each one was a toothpick with a drawing identifying what it was made of.

Even though it was Valentine's Day the next day there would be an important training session for the 3rd year hero students and Y/n thought it would be an ideal gift for Tamaki.

While Y/n was cowering in the corner searching for courage Tamaki frantically searched for the omega.

She had been distant for the past few weeks and now he probably knew why. He had just found out from Mirio about the omega who had been bullying her thanks to his popularity as an alpha member of the big three. He was overly concerned, especially about the fact that she hadn't told him. He was a bad alpha....although they weren't actually mates, but Tamaki had to admit that he felt and wanted to be her alpha. So it still worried him that she hadn't told him something like that.

Following the scent he found her crouching next to a wall and comes down to her level calling her affectionately "mega" a nickname he had eventually given her.

Looking at him Y/n quickly extends the box towards him with a "Happy Valentine's Day" accompanying it. Curious he takes the box and opens it over his "furtive" and watchful eye. Inside he observes several cupcakes of what he assumes are different animals and plants beautifully decorated and with a mouth-watering smell. His inspection is interrupted by an apology from Y/n.

"Sorry, it's not chocolate or anything but I thought it would be a good idea since tomorrow there is that important training you were always talking about and-"Y/n hesitates but at that point she is tamed by insecurities "thank you for taking care of me all this time, I know I'm probably just getting in the way and keeping you from getting the omega you want and-"

"I can't have an omega like you or you don't want to have an alpha like me?"

Y/n feels a knife in his heart as he sees the pain in Tamaki's eyes.

"It's not that Tama! You are the best alpha there can be! You are sweet, caring, kind! You make me feel safe like I never thought possible! It's no wonder I've been in love with you since first grade!" The last part slips out unintentionally making them both blush and Y/n continues more calmly thinking better of her words

"I just think you're the best alpha in the world and there are all those omegas that want to be your mate and I'm not that great of an omega otherwise you would have already marked me and I just think you could have much better-"

Tamaki can't help but get angry as he realized where all this talk was coming from.

"Is that what the omegas who are bullying you are telling you?" Y/n casts a startled look questioning if how he knows. Tamaki stands up pulling Y/n up he puts an arm around her waist pressing just their bodies together so he can whisper in her ear

"And the appointment, if that's the problem I'll do it tonight. You are the omega I want. If you want me too I hope you will mark me back as yours"

When he walked away Y/n looked like a smiling tomato with a swollen heart. Tamaki was only this brave when the matter was serious enough for him and/or went against his ideals. Besides it was extremely common for omegas to be branded but alphas not, so Tamaki wanting her to brand him brought tears to his eyes for even a few minutes ago she was doubting his feelings.

Y/n nods slightly taking courage and tiptoes up to Tamaki's lips and kisses him sweetly. The kiss was everything they both had always dreamed of, tender and passionate, it perfectly conveyed the feelings they both had for each other.

When Tamaki attended the training the next day a where of dismay was noticeable from the omega audience who observed that the omega that previously exhibited only the scent of the alpha now possessed a mark right in the binding place that obviously belonged to Tamaki. It was at times like this training that you could see the influence of Y/n on Tamaki, even though there were many people watching him he still felt calm because he knew his omega was right there. Such influence was even more noticeable today as having officially made it his own the alpha felt extremely safe.

Mirio being the good friend that he is decided to help Tamaki and Y/n completely rid themselves of possible omegas that were too dumb and pushy, showing everyone what he had seen in the locker room when equipping himself with Tamaki and which was now unfortunately not in sight.

With one particularly strong blow Mirio was able to tear at the neck of Tamaki's hero suit making visible the mark that claimed him as Y/n's alpha. At that moment a disappointed hiss was heard and Tamaki flashed an embarrassed smile at Y/n who returned it with a slight reddening.

From that day forward everyone knew that Y/n and Tamaki were mates. Tamaki by being himself was the alpha that Y/n had always dreamed of and Y/n by being her was everything that Tamaki had always desired. She was his safe haven and even though he still didn't like crowds he got the confidence to not have to turn to a wall.

For years they were always there for each other and eventually had a daughter and son who were the face of their father and inherited his quirkiness.

Another success story from UA's omegas program.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2022 ⏰

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