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Kai's POV continued

Listening in, I caught only the end before she was storming out the back. I sniffed the air as she lit her joint. Her head snapped up and our eyes met before I could pull back and hide behind the trees.

She held up a finger as if to say, wait. And went inside. My heart hammered agianst my chest as I worried she'd alert the others, If I faced Shadow right now, Id physically fight him with all I had and I knew some very nasty words would come out that I couldn't take back.

But then I heard her tell them she wanted them out, that she wanted to be alone now. Ash immediately agreed. Told Shadow to get up and they walked out. After hearing them shift and run off, I edged closer to the small log cabin.

Come in," she said still puffing on her joint. "I want to speak to you."

"You know me?" I questioned warily wondering if Shadow has been secretly communicating with her behind my back for longer than today.

"I'm assuming you're the omega that alpha told to stay home like a good little pup?" She questioned an My eyes darkened as i snatched the joint from her hand and took a long hit. "Kai," I said as I blew out the inhaled smoke.
She gave me a knowing smile as she took it back and walked inside. "Marcie."
I followed her as she started rummaging around for snacks in the kitchen.
"I only agreed to talk to that boy because I thought you'd be joining today. Should have known an alpha, even an alpha pup, wouldn't allow his omega toy to do what he wants or allow outside opinions to get to him."

My chest tightened as I realized I couldn't even defend Shadow or tell this girl she was wrong, she didn't know him.
Would Shadow become unrecognizable by the time he was a full adult alpha?
With arms full of chips, chocolates and treats and with the last remaining bit of joint pressed between her lips, she indicated for me to follow her as she walked out the kitchen.
After settling into the large sofa, and snubbing out the rest of her joint into an ashtray, she opened a big bag of chips and smiled at me. It was a warm smile. Mostly a, dude Im so high right now AND I got munchies! smile. But still. A warm smile all the same.

"You know what I wish," she said, giving a huge sigh that moved her shoulders as she breathed, "I wish I could just create a pack of all omegas. And omegas only club. No alphas or even betas allowed."

I grinned as I plopped down. She popped a chip in her mouth and then offered me some. Shaking my head, I looked down at the center carpet placed over the wooden floor. "Maybe you should," I said looking up at her. "That's actually a good idea."

She giggled and shook her head. "I just feel so at ease whenever another omega is around. It's like finally! A clearheaded person not controlled by their need to dominate me. Don't you feel the difference, this vibe," she indicated between us. "It's like that for any omega you meet. You feel at peace. We trust each other. Because we are all level headed."

I snorted. "I don't think I've ever been called level headed."

"You're young," she waved away my words. "You don't understand but you will. Later," she got a far away look in her eyes as she stared down at the potato chip in her hand. She blinked after a long moment and looked back up at me. "Its a cruel world for an omega Kai. Even owned omegas who have been claimed and bitten by an alpha isn't safe to wonder around alone. The stronger your scent gets, the worst it becomes. And it only increases with age," she bit down into her chip and as it made the crunch sound my heart dropped as her words sunk in. "Wolves both alpha and beta will get a whiff and will seek you. A usually normal civil alpha werewolf suddenly turns into a rabid dog around you. And betas? They are the worse," she rolled her eyes and shook her head, "Because where alphas become rabid dogs, they become otters. They look kind and trusting but they are plotting, conniving, rapists," her light tone suddenly went vicious as if this topic was extremely personal.
But then she looked at me, and her face softened. "Just be careful, is all Im saying,

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