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If I ever got out of this, Shadow was dead. I was chained up so tight, with links around my neck, chest, waist and legs so that if I shifted it would break many of my bones. Same as the kid across from me. We only had room to use the bucket in the corner which was humiliating. There were a pile of water bottles and Fucking snacks, not even a real meal that lay between us. I grabbed up a bag of chips and ripped it open angrily. It was my fifth bag of the day and since it was filler food it only made my stomach hurt and left me still wanting more. I needed real food dammit.
"What are you in here for?" I asked the young boy who was in his pjs same as her. That damn Shadow knew how to strike at the worst time. If only I had brushed my teeth first beforehand because the smell of morning breath was starting to get on my nerves.
Henry made a slight face and shook his head. "Being too trusting. You?"
"Agreeing to a threesome," I sighed as Henry's eyebrows shot to his hairline. "This is exactly the dangers my mom warned me about when she found my joints and diary and realized how wild in the streets I was. Gave me a whole lecture about this and everything."
Henry's mouth cocked up in a half grin.
"She warned you that you'd get drugged and chained up -
"- in a storage container, yes. Exactly that and I had rolled my eyes at her and laughed and said I'm a werewolf mom."
They laughed together. But it was cut off with a sigh as they stared at the pile of water bottles and snacks between them. "We should probably start conserving. By the way Shadow and Kai have been gathering in groups with the other weres behind the alphas back, I don't think we can rely on them coming to let us out. Something might happen," Henry filled me in on Kai and Shadows bright idea of the group chat and helping each other behind the adult wolves backs. It was great and all but it was sure to get them killed.
"So since we are still alive, do you think it's because he doesn't want our dead bodies rotting and smelling up the place just yet until he's found a good spot for our bodies. Or do you think he's coming back to let us go ..."
"Or he's gonna throw away the keys, forget we exist because he's too wrapped up in Kai, and let us starve to death?" I suggested leaving the bitterness in my tone. I was happy for them. That was until I got kidnapped for no reason.
"We could always eat little parts of ourselves and heal," Henry suggested and I wished he hadn't given me that imagery.
"Let's put those thoughts on hold and wait to cross that bridge when we get to it type of thing?" He nodded after I gave me a look.
"You know Kai's my ex and although he's cool and all, he's not worth this trouble."
"I disagree, I bet he has no idea Shadow did this or he'd be upset. He's very kind and giving."
"Oh no, you drank the Kai koolaid" I said blowing out a breath. "I get it but not like chained to a wall get it ya know."
Henry let out another laugh and I was glad at least for now the mood was light. But I was feeling the need to pee and whenever I was forced to do it in front of him even though he turned away, I couldn't help but feel angry and the air would become tense until Henry thought of a good joke just at the right time. Too soon and I would rage at him to shut up.
"I have an idea of why I'm here, but why you?"
"What's your idea?" Even though Shadow betrayed my trust I wouldn't do the same for Kai's sake. It was obvious when Shadow threw me in here and told me he had no choice because I knew too much as he chained me to the wall screaming and kicking that the reason I was here was because I knew Kai was omega.
"Is it about Kai?" He hinted; also sounding unsure as if he too didn't want to bust Kai.
"Wow, Shadows an idiot. He would betray two loyal friends, I can't believe I used to have a huge crush on him," I blew out a breath. It was obvious Henry would never tell Kai's secret, and I knew I wouldn't have either. Shadow was a big paranoid jerk.
"Wait, weren't you and Kai-"
"Hello, he's gay. Like really gay: they both are. I held hope for bisexual because Kai got around with my fellow ladies, ya know? So I had a fantasy that I would get with one of them and convince a threesome and there would be sparks and we'd all fall in love through sex and -" I stopped at Henry's expression. "Oh don't you judge me. A girl can dream. Kai was easy to get with, I knew he didn't really love me it wasn't like that, he said he did, but I don't think he realized at the time the difference between romantic love and friend love ya know? Shadow was so closed off, I worried he was all the way gay. And a virgin because I've never seen him with anyone. At all. But one night I went right for it. Told him maybe Kai would want a threesome. I saw interest in his eyes so I started feeling him up, we knew Kai was coming. Could hear him. But Kai saw us and I've never seen him so angry. It all backfired. Until ya know, he started to have a problem he needed my help with." I smiled at the memories I knew I would keep forever. "You know what, it was worth it. I could die happy actually."
Henry banged his head against the steel wall as he muttered to him, "I'm going to die in here with an insane horny Harley Quinn shewolf."
I shrugged. "I guess it's better being locked up here. Then dealing with the shitstorm I'm sure is brewing out there. It's only a matter of time before the alpha realizes Kai is an omega," I paused after saying this to see if Henry looked shocked. When his face didn't change as if he knew this already I continued on, "and that Shadow is an alpha. And along with all that betrayal of creating a pack within a pack? Oh yeah, there's a reason Shadow flipped like this. Shit is sure to be hitting the fan."
"So he did us a favor?" Henry rubbed his chin, the chains around him clanking.
"I wouldn't say all that. He took away our choice and our dignity," I indicted towards the smelly bucket. "Let's not forget to dump that over his head if he comes back."
Henry made a face but nodded. "Agreed. It's what we must do."
"For vengeance," I gave my best villain laugh. Henry scooted a little away from me and looked concerned. "Don't worry Henry, by the time you get out of here you'll be as cuckoo as me."
He groaned. "If we get out."
All we could do was wait in silence. And hope the pee bucket didn't get too full before that asshole came back.

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