Chapter 11

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Before Virginia was able to catch her breath from the impromptu speech she just gave, she made another bold move and kissed Tamara, firmly on the lips.

"I'm sorry." She apologized, pulling out the kiss and putting distance between them. "I'm sorry I didn't ask for your consent first." But Tamara kissed her back and it was all the consent she needed. "I couldn't help myself."

"It's o-"

"It's late," Melody interjected, cutting Tamara off. By the look on her face and Alti's, it was evident that they overheard most of the exchange. "I need to get some sleep." She made her way over, positioning herself between Virginia and Tamara. "Can you guys leave?"

"Sure." Alti shook off the initial shock of what she had uncovered. "I'll see you in a couple hours." She squeezed out the door behind Virginia, who was still staring at Tamara. "Virginia, are you coming?"

"Yeah." She wanted to stay but Tamara's eyes were telling her to go. "Goodnight." Her farewell wasn't returned and the door closed on her, separating her from Tamara, who was on the other side.

"So," Alti began. "I'm going to take a wild guess here. You love Tamara but she doesn't love you back because she's in love with Melody, who just happens to be getting married to my brother tomorrow?" Virginia ignored Alti's speculation and headed for the elevator. "Melody is consciously apart of this but I'm assuming it's a secret. She loves Tamara but doesn't want to be with her or she doesn't love her like Tamara hopes or did they have some affair in the past?"

Virginia pressed the elevator button angrily. "Just let it go."

"So, I'm right?"

"It's none of your business."

"That's where you're wrong. It is my business. She's marrying my brother tomorrow."

"Trust me when I say, she's still going to marry him." Melody had come too far to turn back now. Tamara was the only person who couldn't see that.

"But does she want to?"

"That's an answer you will have to get for yourself."


Against her better judgment, Virginia showed up for the wedding. She was unsure if Tamara still wanted or even needed her there but she was there just to see the ending unfold. Would Melody go through with it? Would Tamara survive if she did? And would Alti spill the beans?

Virginia sought out Alti; her mind weighing heavily on whether or not her ex had questioned Melody about the true desires of her heart.

"Alti?" She called out to her as she was standing with the other bridesmaids. "Alti?"

Grabbing her attention, Alti walked over. "I can't believe you came."

"Well, I had to see it for myself." She guided Alti away from the group. "You look great, by the way." Alti thanked her for the compliment and returned it. "Did you talk to her? Melody?"

"No," She sighed. "I haven't found the right time and I think I'm afraid to know the answer." Alti hitched up her dress in one hand and moved further away from prying ears. "My brother isn't a saint, he's messed around but I know he loves Melody. If he didn't, he wouldn't marry her. I just want to make sure he isn't a second prize for someone who can't be honest with who they are."

Virginia understood where Alti was coming from and she wished that her ex had remain oblivious to the love triangle. "Where is Melody?"

"Hauled up in there," She pointed out the room, "with Tamara."

"Can you get Tamara out of there for a couple minutes?"

"What are you going to do?"

"Get answers for both of us."

Virginia stood out of view as Alti lured a breathtaking Tamara out of the room. She stood there, just watching her as she walked away until she remembered her plan. Neglecting to knock on the door, she opened it and found Melody alone.

"That was quick." When she noticed that it wasn't Tamara, her expression changed to a neutral one. "It's you."

Virginia was surprised that Melody hadn't asked her what she was doing there or even try to throw her out. Perhaps, she was too consumed with the life altering choice she was about to make to care.

"Why don't you just let her go?"

"Excuse me?"

"Do you love Tamara?"

"I do love her."

"Then stop holding her back from loving someone else."

"I'm not holding her back and I never told her she can't love anyone else. She has a choice. She can see and be with whomever she wants."

"But you come first?" Melody didn't answer verbally but she smiled. "You're destroying anyone else's chance by toying with her heart."

"It's not my fault, she wants me and not you." The words wounded Virginia. "Don't make it about me."

"It is about you," Virginia shot back. "Don't you see how much she loves you? She would do absolutely anything for you even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. It's killing her to see you marry someone else when she always dreamed you would marry her."

The words cracked the surface of Melody's hard exterior. "If this was a different time and place, I'd marry her in a heartbeat," Her voice cracked, revealing her true feelings and then she quickly covered them up, "But it isn't." She took a breath. "It may be hard to believe but I do love John. I want to marry him and I will."

"Does he know?"

"No, and he never will." The words came out in a threatening manner. "I love them both and though I love her more, my future with him will be easy. You see what happened to her with her parents when she came out." She took a breath to steady herself before she continued. "I want Tamara to be happy, believe me when I say that but not at the expense of my unhappiness because she makes me happy too, so, I can't let her go. You have to know that I won't ever let her go."

"Then you're just as selfish as I thought you were."

The door opened, interrupting them and in walked Tamara, who froze for a moment when she took in Virginia's presence. "What are you doing here?"

"I was telling Melody congratulations." Relief flashed across Melody's face at the lie Virginia gave. Honesty wouldn't have worked in her favor at that moment. "And I was looking for you. I wanted to wish you luck with everything." Tamara would need more than luck when Melody walked down the aisle and went through with the wedding. "I'm going to take my seat now."

"Thank you." Tamara gave her hand a squeeze and Virginia was growing accustomed to the act of affection. "Can we talk later? At the reception?"


What was it that she wanted to discuss; Virginia's profession of feelings, their shared kiss, or Melody's displeasure for both? Would Tamara be okay with it or would she rather they ignored the elephant in the room for a better working relationship?

Those were the questions she asked herself as the door closed on her and she stood there, watching it, praying that her eyes had X-ray capabilities to see what was transpiring on the other side between Tamara and Melody.

"Well." Alti had been waiting, rather impatiently for the truth.

"She loves him more." It was a lie and she would regret it later but now, she needed the wedding to happen. If it didn't, Melody would be completely free to maximize her time with Tamara and Tamara would no longer be a possibility but unattainable.

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