Chapter 13

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Tamara wasn't worth the time, she wasn't worth her energy, she wasn't worth the headache and definitely wasn't worth the heartache that she presently experiencing. It was too late to say all those things now, wasn't it? After she had exhausted herself with everything pertaining to her boss that she had fallen for. She had lost and what hurt the most was that she lost to Melody, a woman that legally belonged to someone else.

Virginia returned home and dropped onto the sofa in the living room as her mother sat on the floor, piecing together another jigsaw puzzle.

"How was it?"

"You were right."

Celia was fully aware of what her daughter meant with the words and she reached out her hand to her.

"Come join me." Virginia slid off the sofa and crawled over to her mother, receiving the embrace that was waiting for her. "I'm sorry, honey."

"I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."

"Heartbreak is the only way we learn."


That Sunday, Virginia received a number of calls from Tamara but she refused to answer any of them. If it was work related, she would have to email her and she had no reason to reach her for work because the assignment was complete, at least her portion of it.

Monday was no different, calls from Tamara continued to come through, along with text messages that Virginia refused to open. Even Alti's messages were left on read.

"Why don't you just see what she has to say?" Celia tried to persuade Virginia to answer one of Tamara's calls. "It could be important."

"It's not."

"Are you going to apologize to her at least?"

Virginia realized that she would have to apologize at some point for what she said but she wasn't ready; she was still angry, still hurt, and still unwilling to admit that she was wrong. "I will, eventually."

"You realize, she hasn't done anything wrong other than love someone. She really doesn't have anything to explain to you." Maybe she could see her mother's point and maybe, she was right but Virginia was still angry. "You just got caught up when you shouldn't have."


Tuesday morning, Virginia was back to work physically but not mentally, mentally she wanted to be anywhere else than in the presence of Tamara, who just happened to be late that particular morning.

They were presently awaiting her arrival along with the client for the meeting they had worked so hard on over the weekend, well some of them.

"Sorry, I'm late." Tamara rushed in and greeted the client, apologizing once again. For a brief second, her eyes found Virginia's then she looked away. "Shall we get started?"

The meeting was successful and despite the personal issues that Tamara and Virginia had, it was not evident during the presentation. In the end, Lauren and Virginia were the last ones in the conference room, discussing how well things went when Tamara walked back in.

"Miss Turner, can you give me a moment? I'd like to speak to Miss McKay alone."

"Please don't leave me alone with her," Virginia whispered to Lauren.

"Sure." Lauren mouthed an apology to Virginia before walking out of the room.

Tamara closed the door behind her and stood guard in front of it but didn't speak right away. Was she waiting for Virginia to speak first, was she gathering her thoughts, or was she trying to intimidate her with silence?

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