He did what?!?!

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"Kyla you have to be sure of what you are saying." Ace said warily
"I am."I said softly blinking away the tears that were threatening to spill.

"Do you want to talk about it? can I get Alex?" Ace asked softly 
"Actually um......i_ I t-thi-ink you should get them- all?" I managed to crock out.

"Your sure about it hun" Ace asked while cupping my cheek . I gave him a nod. He caresed my cheek before walking out.

It all made sense now, how much my step father clenched his fists whenever mom mentioned my real father how he'd always snap at me when I asked why we relocated us after mom started dating him. He ruined my mom's life, my life.... My entire family, he ruined us, he ruined me. I clenched my fists as pictures of what he did to me appeared in my brain. I hated him I hated him so fucking much. He made me believe my actual father never wanted me when he actually killed him,.

Tears flowed down my cheeks I tried to control my breathing, I had to tell them, I had to tell them everything that awful man did to me.

You are stronger than what he did to you,you can move on my inner voice said

The boy's came in all with looks of rage, I could tell Ace filled them in. This time Alex was the one to sit on the spot next to me, what surprised me was when he pulled me up to sit on his lap.

"Talk to us love..." Alex told me as he pushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"Um.......mom and I, we were fine she took care of me well I went to an average school buh..I didn't talk much with people but I had 2 or 3 friends but all that changed when mom started seeing this guy when I was about 10 she stopped coming home early and I was left on my own n then  she'd come late at night , I didn't mind though as long as she was happy I was too. When she first introduced me to the guy he was good to me until he made us move" I chocked on my words here comes the hardest part. Alex rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"He'd come home around twice a week and he'd always yell at mom and that's when she started staying out late working 2 jobs because he'd been stealing from her but she didn't know.
Once I came home from school and I found him taking money from my moms bag when he noticed me he threatened to kill me and beat me up with his belt until my legs got purple bruises, he told me not to tell anyone or he'd kill me n mom....I was so scared that day so I lied to mum that I fell down the stairs at school when she came home.

Soon it became his habit he'd come around when mom was not home beat me up n threaten me when he left. The worst time was- it-it wa-s wh-wh-en he-he-he" tears started pouring from my eyes again as I remembered that day the day he completely ruined my life.

"What did he do princessa?" Andrew asked softly yet you could see the pain in his eyes, "i- I was cleaning up when I accidentally broke the vase he bought for mum he was so mad and beat me up n then-n -t-th-en- h-e g-ot on--t--t-top-of-m-me", my chest tightened as I saw everything replay in my head, "he--he-rap-ed me an--d d-did it so ma--ny times after th-that." "He d-de-destroyed me- he ruined my life"  I said as I couldn't control my tears. Andrew ran out of the room and a loud bang followed another as he repeatedly banged the wall, Alex comforted me and so did Ace as he came and sat by my side the twins cried while holding each other

"A week before  moms death, I was digging in mom's stuff when I found a document I couldn't tell what it was but at the bottom I saw the name Elfranco, that was his real name, he told us his name was Lorenzo n we believe him but it wasn't true his real name was
Elfranco Martinez" I said holding on to Alex as if the was my life line. He comforted me and the twins joined us after getting Andrew back in they all hugged me . And Alex was the first to speak up,

"That awful man is gone now hun, he killed our father he hurt our babygirl but now it's his time to pay he'll never get close to u hun, ur safe here." He said while pulling me closer, we stayed like that for a while untill fatigue hit me and I eventually fell asleep in between the boys.

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