rapping it up

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Andrew's POV

Kyla came down the stairs, already dressed in her pajama's, " why aren't you asleep yet, you're starting school tomorrow, you know." 

"Couldn't sleep " she said as she entered the kitchen and sat at the table,

i went into the fridge, i took out some milk and a few ingredients and started preparing her something to sleep, She gave me a questioning look.  "when we were younger, dad used to make us some special hot chocolate when we couldn't fall asleep , it used to do us miracles, maybe it will help you too. She nodded in understanding

 "What was he like, describe him to  me,"  "Well he was very caring and very loving, he used to try so hard to be in all the boy's football games and every event we participated in, but damn was he strict, you never wanted to see him angry. You remind me a lot bout him actually",   "i wish i met him" she said with a small sigh,  '"I'm sorry you didn't baby, but now you have us , and we will always love you" i said, giving her the mug of hot chocolate. She gave me a smile and took a few sips

"this is soo good." i smiled at her and watched her as she took it, i couldn't be happier to have my sister her with me, we talked a little and before i new it, she was already dosing off   "off to bed now sweetie, " i said giving her a forehead kiss. "Night Drew, i wove u" she said muffling a yawn. 'Goodnight sweetie'". i smiled at her as she went to bed, a few minutes later the back door opened and i knew it was the two.  

"Took you long enough." i said, "We had to end that punk" Ace said as he entered, a bloody Alex following behind, 

"how'd it go?" "your dear brother blew a fucking bullet through his mouth," Ace said looking at Alex. " Atleast he got what he deserved. "

"how is she?" Alex asked, " she's okay, though she had some hard time falling asleep, she's nervous about tomorror", 

"She'll be okay, she can now start a new life, away from everything "


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