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*Jim's POV*

"How much did you hear?" She asked me, and I climbed out of the barrel. She looked nervous, which she should be. She had hurt me.

"Enough to hear the truth." I said, tightly through my teeth. "Are you kidding me, (Y/n)? All of what you said last night, is it true?"

"James-," She sighed again, walking towards me.

"Jim." I corrected her. She didn't have the rights to call me James, and frankly, I didn't care.

"I said all that so I could throw them off my back. Scroop was getting on my last nerve, but my feelings for you is real." She said. "Please, you have to believe me."

"Oh, I did. Until now." I said, and she winced. "Who are you? Are you really the cabin girl everyone says you are?" I crossed my arms over my chest. She sighed, putting a hand to her arm. She looked away. "What?"

"I'm...not the chef's daughter. I was part of a plan to become the chef's daughter." She said, and I listened to her. "I'm an orphan. I grew up from the orphanage when I was 3 and I met Mr. Silver when he adopted me 2 years later. He treated me like I was my own person, and taught me how to become a pirate. Ever since I was little, all I cared about was freedom. An adventure of a life time, Jim."

"But that's a lie," I scoffed.

"I'm telling the truth!"

"You don't care about me, you don't care about the freedom, you care about the treasure. What are you going to do with the treasure when you find it, huh?"

"Take it easy on her, laddie." Mr. Silver spoke up from behind her. She gasped, and turned to face him. "Playing games, are we?"

She backed away from Mr. Silver, and started to back up into me, but I didn't do anything to protect her. "Yeah, we're playing games. (Y/n) and I were just talking about how she's not who she really is."

"Oh, I see..." Mr. Silver eyed his "daughter". "That's right. (Y/n). I never told you the truth, have I?"

"Told me what?" She asked quietly, eyeing him carefully.

"That I really never wanted a daughter in the first place." Her eyes widened, and so did mine. Mr. Silver looked at me. "Whatever she told you about being an orphan at a young age, she told the truth about, Jimbo. But me wanting a daughter? That's just a rouse. I only offered the voyage to her because she wouldn't stop yapping about it."

"Dad?" She whispered in shock. Her hand was at her mouth now. "What-?"

"Didn't I just tell ya, darlin'?" Mr. Silver asked. "I'm not your daddy. Whoever's your parent, must've run off on you when you was a baby."

"No..." She managed to say, and I didn't know who trust at this point.

"I knew one thing though." Mr. Silver said, slowly. I heard some machines whirring behind him. "I always hated to lose."

"Hm..." I said, grabbing the tool behind my back. "Me, too!" I shoved it at Mr. Silver's cybernetic leg, and the gears stopped working for a second. He exclaimed in pain.

I ran out of there, and left (Y/n) behind.

"Right-o." Mr. Silver muttered, and he looked up at (Y/n) who was hurrying up to help him off the ground. "You want to stay and find that treasure, (Y/n)? Call the shots!"

I heard the whistle coming from Mr. Silver, and I closed the door shut, thinking (Y/n) had chased after me.

I explained everything to Captain Amelia and Dr. Doppler as quick as I could. Captain Amelia grabbed the gun from her safe and said, "Pirates on my ship? I'll see they all hang!" She tossed the gun at Dr. Doppler. "Doctor, familiar with these?"

"Oh, I've seen..." He started to say, holding it downward. "Well, I've read..." A beam of light emitted from it, and broke her globe. Captain Amelia just stared at him with the sphere in her hand. "Uh, no. No. No, I'm not."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" I asked Captain Amelia. "(Y/n) is one of them!"

"No, Mr. hawkins." She said. "She is not."

"What?" I asked incredulously.

"What she told you in the end was the truth." Captain Amelia confirmed. "She is an orphan, and was sent to the orphanage when she was 3 years old. The only reason why is because I was able to read on her files. Don't ask where I got them. They're probably just using her in the end." She held up the folders and my eyes widened when I saw (Y/n)'s photo when she was a little girl. "And also, don't be so hard on her. She really does like you. Also, Mr. Hawkins. Defend that with your life."

She tossed me the sphere, but Morph snatched it into his mouth. "Morph!" I shouted. "Give me that!"

I grabbed it from his mouth, and he tried to tug on it, but I ended up pulling it from him anyways.

"Quickly, through here!" Captain Amelia blasted a hole through the floor, and we made it out of there in time.

We hurried through the ship to get to the longboats. Dr. Doppler tripped and landed on his face, but Captain Amelia helped him up quickly. She closed the door shut when she saw the crew coming at us, and zapped the lock shut.

"To the longboats, quickly!" She said.

I hopped into the boat with Dr. Doppler and Morph. We waited for her to join us, but she needed to open up the door. I looked over the boat to see how quickly this was lowering us, and it was pretty slow.

I was still thinking over about what (Y/n) had told me earlier, and what Mr. Silver said, as well as what Captain Amelia said.

The only person I could trust with the words was the captain, and if she's right, then...I have to apologize to (Y/n). Right now, I'm upset with her.

Morph had snatched the sphere from my pocket and I gasped. "Morph!" I shouted at him. "No!"

I leaped off the longboat and landed onboard. Morph chattered away from me, and teased me with the sphere. I was not having these games.

"Morph, here!" I shouted, running across the board. "Morph!"

I twirled around, trying to catch him, and I just couldn't.

At the end of the board, (Y/n) was there.

"Morph!" she said, and I stopped in place. "Morph? Come here." She clicked her tongue and motioned him over.

"Morph?" I called out to him and he started to fly back over to me. "Morph, bring it here. Morph! Come here."

"Stop confusing him!" She said. Morph started to fly over to her.

"You stop confusing him!" I shouted back.

"Ugh. You're so full of yourself!"

"So are you!"

"Morph!" (Y/n) called out to him once more.

"Morph!" I shouted after her.

(Y/n) leaped over to catch Morph in her hands, but Morph dove into a barrel of ropes. She crawled over to the ropes and tried to grab the sphere from it, but I grabbed it just in time.

Before I started to run, I saw Mr. Silver pointing a gun at me and I stood there frozen in time.

"Jim, run!" (Y/n) snapped me out of it. I watched her push the gun away before Mr. Silver could fire at me. I jumped down to the boat just in time before the door closed on us. I thought (Y/n) was going to hop on board with me, but she didn't. She was being grabbed by Mr. Silver and hauled up to her feet, and that was it. We were soaring through the sky.

"Captain, laser ball at 12 o'clock!" Dr. Doppler exclaimed, and I looked up at the sky. The laser ball struck our boat, and Captain Amelia jolted forward in pain.

We were holding on to the boat as it crashed through a field of mushroom shaped trees. We braced ourselves, and once the boat landed on the ground, we ended up flipping over, and I blacked out.

Treasure Planet x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now