ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟜

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Daphne's POV

On the way to my next class, I couldn't stop thinking of Jasper, my Mate. What if he doesn't like me, hates me even? When I walk into class, Jessica comes up to me " hey Daphne, liking your first day?" I smile, nodding at her as we sit down. "I heard that there's gonna be another new kid tomorrow, Chief swan's daughter Isabella" she adds looking at me. Before I could reply the teacher started talking. During the lesson, I could feel someone looking at me, a multitude. I look behind me and see Rosalie and Emmett smiling at me, which I return then turn back to the teacher. When class was over, I went to my locker, and upon opening it, Rosalie walked up to me. " Hi I'm Rosalie, you're Jasper's Mate Daphne right?" She smiles at me. She has a beautiful smile, " yep that's me, nice to meet you" I say smiling back " what class do you have next?" she asks looking around "I have history, you" I ask looking in my locker, I hate how I'm so shy talking to her.  Stupid bi-panic.

" Oh I have art next, but Jasper is in your next class," she says looking at me with a smile " Try talking to him, he's a little shy" she adds " see you later Daphne" I look after her as she walks away. Damn Emmett is lucky I think walking to class then I hear Edward laugh a little. When I get to class, I give the teacher a slip for him to sign. " Welcome to my call Ms. Miller, go and sit next to Mr. Hale" pointing to the chair next to Jasper. Once I sat down the teacher started the lesson, and I wasn't paying attention, I mean I lived in it." Hello, Ms. Miller" I look to see Jasper looking at me" Hello Mr. Hale, how are you?" I see a small smirk on his face, oh was it attractive, his smirk got bigger with my emotions." Hale and Miller, seeing that you are not paying attention, how about you guys answer these questions" the teacher says, making us both look at him. " When did the Civil War start and when did it end?" He asks us " it started April 12, 1861" Jasper starts " and ended April 9, 1865" I finish looking at Jasper then the teacher.

The teacher looked impressed, " Correct, what caused the civil war?" he asked us I answer " by the moral issue of slavery, sir" the teacher just smiles before turning back to the board. I see Jasper smiling at me which makes me smile as well, he is so cute when he smiles I could look at his smile forever.

꧁𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕡 𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝꧂

I was walking to our car with Madison, and she was telling me about Alice. How much she loves her, how she talks, walks, everything. She is so lovesick. I'm happy for her, she can finally be happy. When we get to the car to see Thomas and Abigail waiting for us," I heard the chief's daughter came home today, we should say hi to them" Abigail says looking at us "I mean they are our neighbors, so why not?" Thomas says back to Madison and I. we just nod, as we're getting into the car I see Jasper looking at me, smiling. I also see Edward look at Abigail with a shocked yet mad face. What's his problem? I think, stepping into the car, and we drive home. Once home I go to my room, and get smothered by the kisses from Milo," Missed me that much" I laugh out, petting him. " Get out of my shirt daph, I want it back," Madison says to me from her room." also we're over to the neighbors in 2 hours, be ready" she adds " ok," I say back to her

I changed into some dark distressed bleached boot jeans, with a button-front blouse and a GONTHWID fleece hooded jacket. After changing I just did homework for the time, Milo helping me from time to time. Not very helpful but he tries. About an hour later we have to go meet the neighbors, as I walk downstairs with Milo behind I hear Maddison " what if they don't like us?" "They will '' Thomas replies " Not trying to be mean but, why do we have to say hi, we usually don't," I say walking up to them. "I believe we should," Abigail says, looking outside at the neighbor, two men and a boy looking about 2 years younger than us. appearance-wise, next to a red beat-down truck. " They look nice, he has pretty long hair,'' Madison says, looking at the boy. '' Let's go say hi, and not look like creepers just staring at them, '' Thomas adds, walking outside with Abigail. We follow after them, walking up to the man, with a smile on his face

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