Chapter 85

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The information desk held a lot of helpful stuff. Maps, times, where they were going and how they'd get there, etc. Viktor was handed a map by a blond man, who had definitely heard Vok'Rul and Oskar's entire argument if the embarrassed look on his face said anything. He wouldn't look Viktor in the eye the whole time they interacted. 

Vok'Rul loomed over his shoulder like a dark cloud. Oskar had his arms crossed defensively over his chest, face set in a deep scowl. Viktor thought his head might explode with the annoying headache he had. 

"So, um," the blond man cleared his throat as he launched into an explanation of the ship. "Welcome to The Conquest. The living quarters are divided into twelve rooms. There are currently 50 million beds on board, which," the man gave a little, awkward chuckle, "is a lot, I know. It'll be a little cramped, even if one room is like ten football fields long, but the trip will only last three or four days." 

Viktor, who had heard the trip would only be two, squinted in confusion. "Okay," he said slowly. "How do you find where you'll sleep?" 

"You'll be with me," Vok'Rul huffed. The blond man looked at him a little nervously. 

"Uh," he said with another chuckle, "Vokkrus are on the second level of the ship, uhh... sir. I'm afraid that most humans are uncomfortable with Vokkrus, so they decided to separate them. You'll find your rooms over there." The man pointed to a glowing kiosk that was implanted on one of the walls. A few Vokkrus were already crowded around it. He faltered when he realized Vok'Rul didn't even look in that direction, simply glowering at the human instead. 

"Ohkayy..." the man said under his breath. "For us," he said to Viktor and the others, who had stepped up behind him, "you'll have to continue down this line for a little while. Eventually, you'll reach a machine, kinda like that one over there. But smaller. Anyway! It'll give you a number. If you're staying with your family," the man looked at the others behind him, "you'll wanna grab the tickets back to back. The numbers correspond with your beds."

"Great," Pedro said kindly, taking another map the man handed out. "Thanks."

"Hey, when's lunch? I'm starving." Ezekiel said. Aiko rolled her eyes.

"You just ate before we came here."

Ezekiel gave her a wounded look. "I was starved for the first seven months on this planet!"

The man, who looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole, gestured to the map pamphlet. "There's an itinerary on the back."

They started to step forward, past the desk and onto the kiosk, when the man spoke up again. "Uh, sorry but Vokkrus aren't allowed past this point right now. Only humans. There are some people who haven't had the best... experience... with..." he trailed off when he saw Vok'Rul's expression.

A cherry red Vokkrus popped up behind the man, likely hearing the issue. They quickly placed their hand on the man's shoulder, bowing to Vok'Rul, "Your Highness, it's a pleasure to have you aboard."

Viktor saw the man mouth the words in slight confusion. Vok'Rul grumbled unhappily. "I wish to ensure these humans are settled in," he requested with an edge to his voice.

The alien sounded regretful when they said, "Of course, Your Grace, but it was written into the laws aboard that no Vokkrus step onto the first level until we have reached Deep Space, except for the dining area. Only maintenance and other crew members are allowed. Sir Rukka insisted."

"I will go through," Vok'Rul hissed dangerously. His tail curled up behind him, and his claws twitched in a way that Viktor knew he was three seconds away from lunging forward.

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