Chapter 95

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Since they only had three months to spend together before duty called Vok'Rul away, Viktor was determined to make the most of it. He pushed himself as hard as he could in his physical therapy, didn't miss a single psychological therapy session, and did all the humming and singing exercises his voice therapist told him to do. If he wanted to spend time with Vok'Rul without tiring, having a panic attack, or generally being unwell, Viktor needed to get better.

It wasn't easy. Viktor never expected it to be easy. He had to admit, though, that he thought it'd happen a little quicker.

The nightmares were less intense with each passing night. Sure, he often woke up with the urge to vomit most nights, but sometimes, he could sleep through the entire night without one hint of his past. Viktor had forgotten what it had been like to be so well-rested.

The worst part about every night was finding the courage to actually fall asleep. Knowing that he'd be plagued with nightmares made it difficult for Viktor to shut off his brain and sleep. His thoughts were loud and abrasive.

On A1-308, there'd be some activity for him to do to tire him out physically. On Earth, he just got mentally exhausted. It was so apparent that Vok'Rul quickly picked up on it.

"Kohgrash," he said across the dining table. It looked a little funny; like an adult sitting at a kid's play table. He was hunched over his plate of food, holding silverware that was too small for his hands. "What is the matter with you?"

"Lots of stuff I imagine," Viktor said through a mouthful of chicken burrito. Vok'Rul wrinkled his nose, and he quickly swallowed his bite of food. "What's up?"

He saw Vok'Rul glance at the ceiling before remembering it was just a saying. Viktor hid his smile behind his glass of water. "You are so... twitchy and bouncy, lately. Like an overexcited hatchling at the celebration."

"What's the celebration?"

Vok'Rul tilted his head at him, a sheen of mischief in his eyes. "Nothing major," he said lightly, tone of voice halting and slow. "Just a little celebration we have every few years. You'll see it one day. Regardless! You are all," he waved a spoon at him, "move-y."

Viktor squinted at him. "I dunno," he pushed the glass of water around the table, watching the condensation bead up underneath the rim. "I've got a lot of energy lately."

Vok'Rul nodded slowly, a dawning look of comprehension on his face. "You are healing, and so you are getting more energy to move. That is a good thing, Kohgrash."

"Yeah, I know, but I've got nothing to do!"

He wasn't in school, yet. Both he and his dad were skeptical of his return to school when he was so unhealthy - both physically and mentally. Not to mention, it was the middle of the year. If he were to go back to school, he'd have a lot of catching up to do. The only things he did during the day were sleep, eat, and chat with Vok'Rul. Which was what he had done on A1-308, so it was simply beyond him why he was so, as Vok'Rul put it, move-y.

Vok'Rul perked up, looking excited. "Well, since you are in good health, more or less, won't you show me around your planet? I only saw your salt waters from the sky! I have been researching your planet, and I must say, I am quite intrigued with the prospect of going to every biome. Did you know that you have twenty-six biomes? That is simply too many, Kohgrash, and I wish to see every single one."

Viktor only knew of like, five biomes, but he nodded along. "How are you researching this stuff?" Vok'Rul wasn't allowed in any of the libraries around here - something which still made Viktor irritated beyond belief.

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