Chapter 28

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Lucy POV

I was bored out of my mind.

I was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't think of anything to do anymore. I was getting sick of board games and movies. I was even getting sick of reading, and I would have bet my life that would never happen.

It's been the longest three days of my life.

I really wanted to go for a walk, but my body was still healing, and I got tired easily.

But even if I could go outside, Theo would never allow it.

Ever since Liam and Ezra told us that Jack and Brian ran away, Theo has been even more protective than usual. I'm never alone. Literally never. When I'm in the bathroom, he's waiting outside the door. When he is in the bathroom, he makes sure one of my other brothers is with me. Noah and he are sleeping in my bedroom with me. He's been acting like he is glued to me.

The rest of my brothers are protective, but they are giving me a little space. They know that I'm safe in this house. Jack and Brian would be crazy to try something with this many guards around. They still refuse to leave me alone, but, unlike Theo, they are not standing outside my bathroom door.

I can't really say it bothers me that much. It's nice to have someone who cares. My mother didn't care. Jack certainly didn't care. I grew up thinking I didn't matter. I grew up thinking nobody loved me. It's nice to see that is not true.

But I'm worried about Theo.

He is too stressed. He jumps at even the smallest movement. Yesterday, he almost attacked Ezra when he came home earlier than he planned. Theo didn't expect him home so soon, and he thought he was someone else. He is not eating enough, and I don't think he is sleeping well. I woke up a couple of times last night to see him staring through the window.

I know he is worried, but I don't want him to get sick because of me.

"Noah?" I called my brother.

The three of us were home alone. Well, not really alone. There were a lot of guards around the house.

Liam and Ezra had to go to work, but they said they would be back soon. They didn't like to leave me, especially now.

Theo was in the shower, and I decided to take this opportunity to talk to Noah.

"Yes?" Noah responded, reaching out and running his hands through my hair.

He was sitting on the couch next to me, looking at something on his phone.

"I'm worried about Theo." I said quietly.

Noah stopped playing with my hair. "Why?"

I sat up and sighed. "He is too worried, Noah. I'm afraid he will get sick if he continues like this."

Noah placed his phone down on the coffee table and leaned back on the couch. He crossed his arms over his chest and nibbled on his lower lip.

"He isn't sleeping." I continued. "I woke up a couple of times last night and he was just staring through the window."

Noah looked at me, worried. "What should we do?"

"Talking to him would be the first thing on my list." I said.

"You do know that he won't leave you alone, right?" Noah asked, taking my hand in his. "None of us will."

"I know that." I said, giving him a small smile. "I don't want you to. I just want him to take care of himself. He doesn't have to wait outside my bathroom door every time. He has to eat. He has to sleep."

"He hasn't been eating?" Noah asked, surprised.

"You haven't noticed?" I sighed.

"Well, no." Noah said, running a hand through his hair. "We've all been kind of focused on you."

"You shouldn't be." I said. "You are important as well, Noah. I don't want you to get sick or hurt because of me. I need you. Besides, how will you protect me or save me if you are not well? People who don't get enough sleep and who don't eat enough aren't known for their immense strength and fast reactions."

Noah chuckled and pulled me into his arms, kissing the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"You are right, Lucy." Noah said quietly. "We should take care of ourselves too. And we should definitely talk to Theo."

Noah let me go and I leaned back on the couch. He took my hand in his and smiled.

"Should we tell Liam and Ezra?" I asked him.

Noah frowned and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't know." he sighed. "Maybe not yet. Maybe we should talk to him first."

"But if he doesn't get better in a few days, we have to tell them." I said.

"Of course." Noah nodded. "We will tell them if he doesn't listen to us."

I nodded and looked down at my hand in Noah's. I have never felt more loved than right here with my brothers. I can't let them get hurt. I can't let them neglect themselves because of me. They are making sure that I am okay, and I have to do the same. I have to make sure that they are safe and happy.

We heard footsteps running down the stairs, and a few moments later, Theo walked into the room.

His eyes fell on me, and I could see relief washing over him.

This is what I was talking about with Noah. He shouldn't react like this. It's been 20 minutes since he left. I'm at home. I'm with my brother. I'm safe. He shouldn't be this worried.

"Lucy." he said quietly and sat next to me, pulling me to his side.

"Hey, Theo." I smiled, running my hand through his still damp hair.

"Is everything okay?" Theo asked Noah.

"Of course." Noah said.

"Should we watch a movie?" Theo asked, looking down at me.

I glanced at Noah, who gave me a small nod.

"Maybe later." I smiled. "I think we should talk first."

Theo looked me up and down, panicked. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Noah stood up, making Theo look up at him in confusion. Noah sat next to Theo, taking Theo's hand in his.

"She is okay, Theo." Noah said softly. "She is not hurt."

Theo looked back at me. "What do you need to talk to me about then?"

I took a deep breath and gave him a small smile.

"We need to talk about you." I said slowly.

"What about me?" Theo asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We are worried, Theo." Noah said quietly. "You haven't been sleeping and eating."

Theo looked at Noah and frowned. "I'm fine."

"Theo." Noah sighed. "Please just talk to us."

Theo's arm around my waist tightened. I ran my hand through his hair again.

Theo closed his eyes as he lowered his head. Noah gave me a worried look.

"Theo?" Noah called to him softly, placing a hand on his back.

"They are going to take her away, Noah." Theo said quietly. "They are going to take her away from me again."

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