Chapter 52

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Mike POV

I got out of the airport and grabbed my phone out of my bag. I was hoping that Theo called me with some good news while I was on the plane.

I was nervous as fuck on the plane because I couldn’t talk to anybody and I was in the dark about Lucy.

I was pissed off when that guy, Ethan, told me they took her. I was at work, and I almost broke down every piece of furniture inside the diner. Rosie would have killed me for sure.

When Lucy told me about the abuse, I was livid. I was blaming myself for not noticing it. Looking back, there were signs. She was often in pain and tired. She was flinching when somebody touched her. It was obvious, and I was a complete idiot. I should have known. I should have done something about it.

But I have an opportunity now. I will find her, and I will strangle Jack with my own two hands. He will regret being born.

I unlocked my phone and saw four missing calls.

They were from Lucy’s phone.

My heartbeat sped up. Could it be her? Did they find her? Was Theo calling me from her phone? Did something happen? Is she okay?

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I won’t get any answers until I call back.

I pressed dial and listened as the line started ringing. My hands were shaking and there was a lump in my throat.

“Mike!” I heard her voice and I almost cried.

“Lucy?” I said, shocked. “Is that you? Oh, fuck, Lulu, where are you?!”

“Why weren’t you picking up your phone?” she asked me instead of answering me.

Her voice was soothing to my soul. I missed her terribly. We talked on the phone every day, but I missed seeing her, touching her, and being near her.

I was so fucking in love with that girl.

And I was a coward who never had the guts to tell her that.

“I was on a plane.” I said. “Where are you, Lucy? Are you okay?”

“What plane?” she asked, ignoring my question again.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. This girl…

“Where are you, Lucy?” I asked. “And don’t ignore my question again.”

“I’m in a hospital.” she sighed. “What plane, Mike?”

My heartbeat picked up. How badly was she hurt?

Oh, I’m killing the fucker.

I waved at the first taxi I saw and got inside.

“What hospital, Lucy?” I asked, as the driver waited for my instruction.

“Northwestern Memorial.” Lucy said, and I repeated it to the driver.

I heard her gasp. “Are you in Chicago?!”

“Yes, Lulu.” I said, leaning back. “I will be there soon.”

I ended the call when Lucy started complaining. I already knew that she would tell me that I shouldn’t have spent my money and come here. As if I would have stood still while my girl was being held and tortured by two sick fuckers.

The ride to the hospital was too fucking long. I couldn’t wait to see her and make sure she was okay.

When the driver finally pulled up in front of the hospital, I jumped out of the car and ran inside as quick as I possibly could.

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