Middle School Advice

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avoid trouble

∘ you don't want to get in trouble the first day of school (or sooner) so know your schools dress code, and other rules. ∘ in middle school it'll be a lot of mean rumors/gossip. always ignore them, even if they are about you.

∘ choose friends that doesn't make a lot of drama. they should be fun and so but not make problems for you. choose friends wisely!

make friends

∘ if you see someone stopping at the same bus stop they're probably living near you. try getting friends with them.

∘ a great way to make friends is to join a club at your school. most schools has at least a few clubs for you to join.

∘ be nice and say hi when someone in your class walks by. smile and act self-confident.

ace academics

∘ pay attention in class and be active by reaching your hand when you know the answer on a question.

∘ when you're taking notes write what you would tell someone that hadn't been on that class and wanted to learn, the most important stuff.

improve yourself

∘ middle school is about to find and improve yourself. do this by joining clubs and finding new friends.

∘ have a good hygiene by washing your body, keeping your face clean, wearing clean clothes, and other things.

∘ exercise twice a week and eat healthy. have two days every week when you can whatever you want, like unhealthy stuff!

middle school survival tips

∘ dress good and nicely, but make sure to have your own style. and never wear what someone else is wearing!

∘ don't be embarrassed if you get pimples but try getting rid of them by using a cleanser and moisturizer.

∘ learn to use/organize your locker so you'll be able to get to class on time.

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