Gain Someone's Trust

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📇 › get to know them
there's no one you can majorly trust some
one without knowing them. meet up with
the person or just hang out to learn more
about them.

🔐 › keep to yourself
sometimes things you may share with
others may be too personal to their liking.
if you don't feel comfortable saying it in
your mind, don't say it out loud.

🚲 › little favors
slowly work up your trust by asking them
if they can do you a small favor such as
drive you somewhere or pick something
up for you. if they always accept and are
prompt about it, then you're good.

💬 › always be honest
when talking with them, always make sure
that you are truthful, lying will first of all
get you know where and doesn't set a good
tone for the relationship.

🚷 › admit mistakes
if you did something that wasn't the best
and you know that, make sure that you
let them know as well. there's nothing better
than letting others know that you learned
from a mistake.

😋 › make noticeable changes
if you're bad at communicating or whatever
it may be, make sure you can improve that
and do it in such a way that the person may
notice that you're trying.

💌 › notice the little things
when talking with a person, if they mention
something important, keep it in mind. such
as a big report/test or a job (depending on
who and how old the person is) give them a
call saying "good luck!" or whatever best
fits the situation.

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