53. Pain

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Late update but longest chapter



Author's POV.

She stared at the wall in front of her with a blank look. She couldn't feel anything. She was afraid to think about what had happened to her and that she got her Karma of killing her 3 children. During those five years of their marriage, she despises only one thing being a mother. She hated the thought to carry a child inside her model-like figure and ruin it. She hated the thought that for her child she had to divide her attention from her work. She hated the thought of taking care of a child and ruining her beauty sleep and every stress that comes after being a mother. She hated those thoughts. She knew that if she have a baby then she had to leave her work and would become a doormat.

She wasn't that much against having a baby until she got to know it from her friend Naseem, who was so dedicated to her work, but after being pregnant her family and husband made her leave her work and force her to stay at home. At first, Naseem listen thinking about her child and somewhere they assured her that she could go to work after delivery but that doesn't happen even after a year of her baby's birth. Naseem's in-laws and her husband manipulated her with sweet talks and made her believe that her husband and children should be everything to her.

BUT it was Sofia's thoughts while Naseem clearly said that she didn't feel like working anymore and her family and child came first. After a year of being with her baby, she got attached to her child and couldn't bring herself to detach her child from her even for a second. Her husband was loving and was capable for providing them

But now when Sofia thinks about her word and felt that she was right. Husband children and FAMILY should come first. Her negligence made Arshad slip out of her hand and her negative thoughts about the baby made her barren.

She had everything materialistic, beauty Fame Money, a successful career, a successful Business, everything but at this point, she didn't need any of this. It stung but it's true that at some point in our life we needed Family, husbands children, we need their supports and this was THAT time of Sofia's life. She needed her husband, her child, she needed her family but that was not possible now. She lost half of her husband's heart to someone else, she lost her child, she lost the ability to be a mother, and she lost the chance to have a family of her own.

A silent single tear slipped from her eyes which was wiped instantly. Her eyes turn toward the person sitting on the chair beside her hospital bed. He held her hand and entangle their fingers before kissing the back of her hand.

"It's okay" Smiling softly he said. He was giving the strength to her that she needed the most. Sofia stares at him.

"Why did this happen to me?" She whispered and one after another tears fell from her eyes to her cheeks and the dam broke. He instantly stood up from his chair and sat beside her taking her in his embrace.

"Shh. It's okay. It's okay." He didn't know what to say other than 'it's okay' when there was nothing okay. He whispered continuously rubbing her back while she cried out in agony.

Arshad's tears also fall but he tries to be strong for her. He can't say he can feel her pain, no, he can't, cause she was the mother who carried 7 months their baby, who went through everything, sleepless nights, mood swings, nausea, morning sickness, back pain, changes in her body, and the feeling of her baby tossing turning every time, and suddenly it was snatched from her breaking every dream she made in all those months.

His Secret Wifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें