Chapter 13

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"Honestly whatever happens in the future i will support you no matter what so do what you wanna do, but also respect her feelings ok?"

This is the only answer that i can give him right now cause i cant stop a person from loving someone specially when his feelings are really sincere towards her, also he's not the male lead anyway so it wont be much of a problem.

He smiled, "I got it sister, also thank you for hearing me out."

"Of course, your welcome."

Our conversation ended, he left to do some sword training while unexpectedly our butler told me that i got a call from father at his office so i went there.

Doors Opening...

As i entered I looked at him, "Father you called?"

He looked troubled and he grabbed a piece of paper on his table and told me to read it.

As i looked through it it stated.


The emperor has personally requested for Luna Castile Verdorous to be one of the leading candidates of the role crown princess, please go to the Palace immediately for your response.

From; The Imperial Palace.

My eyes widened as i read the contents of the letter, "Father what is this?!"

He replied, "It's seems like the emperor really wants you to become the crown princess."

I immediately said, "But i have no intention on getting involved with royalty."

He looked at me straight in the eye, "Then do you want me to decline it?"

"Wait, its ok to do that?"

He grinned, "Of course we can, don't underestimate our position Luna."

"But wouldn't that tarnish the great name of Verdorous?"

"Dont worry to much about it, i just really want my daughter to be happy and be married with love im not gonna force you to be with someone who you don't like, your happiness is far more important to me than anything."

To think that he truly wishes his daughter for true happiness is really amazing, he's such a good father honestly, he's not strict and he was always present when we needed him honestly i love him so much.

"Thank you Father for understanding my feelings. ''

She then unexpectedly hugged him but he was quite surprised since he didn't thought that would happen.

After that she left his office with a smile on her face as she walked through the mansion halls she thought, well im not surprised by this kind of development in the story since i already changed so much about the plot, but to think that he would choose me over the female lead is somewhat shocking.

But i feel like the only reason why he picked me is because i have a huge impact in the noble society and if i became the crown princess the power of royalty will also sky rocket by the support of the archduke and the nobles.

Hmm, this has somehow becoming a huge problem now.

Time passed it was already dinner time i was really overjoyed that auntie and Lauren talked together, it was really making me happy but still i had a lot of thoughts that went through my mind.

As it ended peacefully i went back to my bed chambers and went to my window and looked at the night sky and thought its so pretty and took a deep breath and exhaled it, i then went back in and went to sleep.


Happy Ending For The Tragedy Side CharacterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora