Chapter 16

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He sighed, "Well if you say so."

"Then i shall excuse myself no-"

He blocked my word and said, "Wait!, Before you go may i ask you another question?"

I looked at him and replied, "What is it your majesty?"

"I heard from the reports that you went to my niece's chambers sometime ago, how did you manage to get along together?"

As i heard his words i thought, as expected there are eyes inside the imperial palace, I could feel a sharp glare looking at me very intensely but i acted normal so i don't want to be seen suspicious.

I told him, "Ahh actually the day before the luncheon started we accidentally met by chance at the field near the border lands, at first he asked who i was and of course i told him, and i also question his identity. He revealed to me that he was the niece of the emperor and by the time passed we actually became really close and yeah that's where it all started."

Honestly the story is really altered though, but it's best to lie in this situation then to reveal that i know who Clayton really is.

"Hmm, is that so?"

"Yes your majesty that is all."

He seems quite suspicious of me, he's probably gonna ask one of his shadows to follow me and Clayton around.

He replied, "Well i hope your friendship becomes closer in the near future, also one last thing a week from now there will be a Grand ball held in the imperial palace since the neighbouring kingdoms are visiting in the empire, so i hope you prepare yourself when it happens."

I bowed and stated," Yes your majesty, and thank you for telling me in advance, i shall take my leave now."

He finally agreed, "Yes, you may go now."

As i left the room and close the door i felt really relieved that everything went smoothly, although he might find me suspicious because of my friendship with Clayton but it was best that nothing much happened.

Well since im here now i should visit him since i haven't seen Clayton in a while.

When i was heading over to Claytons chamber i saw Antoine having tea outside the Palace terrace, i approached him since i was curious as to why he was here, "Hi Lord Antoine, what brings you to the imperial palace?"

He look quite surprised after i questioned him so suddenly but he answered,"Oh lady Luna, ahh i was just here signing my rights that's all."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean by that."

He looked at me and replied, "My father, he's gonna retire early so im currently preparing on my tittle owning rights since father picked me to become his next successor."

"Oh is that so, when will the ceremony begin?"

"About a month from now."

Well judging from his character i also feel like he's much more suited in this position compared to his sister since i feel like he act's more mature and responsible.

Also one thing im happy about is the fact that a woman can also inherit the tittle without marrying anyone so im quite satisfied with the fact that i got reincarnated into this type of era.


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