Chapter 3: Reality Hits Hard

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Jimmy took a step toward me and I took one step back. He sucked in a deep breath and grabbed my waist. I stumbled as he pulled me toward him. His one hand ran up my back and into my hair. My hands were pressed against his hard chest and I tried to push myself free. Jimmy kissed the top of my head.

There was a pounding noise as someone ran up the stairs. Jimmy let go of me and took a step back. He was acting like he was not supposed to be near me. Strange.

The door flew open and Tommy was standing there. His face was red and sweat was dripping off of his temple. He was bent over and panting for breath.

"Come on, Jim," he said. "There's two down by the lake."

Tommy turned around and ran back down the steps. Jimmy followed him, but stopped and turned in the doorframe. He looked over his shoulder and then back at me.

"Stay here," he said. "No matter what you hear, do not leave this room. And I mean it. Don't open this door."

He closed the door and I could hear him run down the steps.

I looked through the bars on the window. Jimmy and Tommy were running across the large field outside. They disappeared behind a large barn.

I wondered where they were going. Tommy said they found two, but two of what? I assumed it was some kind of animal. They must be hunters. They seemed to be like the family that hunted for their food.

I shifted my weight from foot to foot as I waited by the window. I kept glancing over at the clock on Jimmy's nightstand. About twenty minutes passed before I saw Jimmy and Tommy again.

I squinted to try and see what they were doing. Jimmy was walking backward and was carrying something in his arms. When they got closer, I could see that he was holding a girl. Jimmy had her feet and Tommy was holding her arms. The girl was screaming and thrashing around in their grip.

I was right. They do hunt, but they do not hunt animals. They hunt humans.

My heart sunk in my chest and my body trembled. I don't know why I was so surprised. They kidnapped me and brought me to this house. Of course, they would kidnap other women. This girl was probably supposed to be a wife for Tommy.

I watched as they entered the house. I ran across the room. I put my ear against the door, but it was not necessary because her screams rang throughout the house. Her shrieking was muffled when a door slammed shut. Every scream caused my body to flinch.

I was shaking when I walked back over to the window. I looked through the bars to see Jimmy running across the field again. Tommy said there were two, so there must be another person.

If I ran downstairs, maybe I could get them to stop doing whatever they are doing to her. The two of us would be able to escape and call the cops.

In my head, it seemed like the perfect plan for me, but I could not move. I was stunned and my body was numb.

When Jimmy came back, he was dragging a man by his leg. The man lied there lifeless as he was pulled across the grass. As he came closer to the house, I could see that the man's throat was slit and he was covered in blood.

I covered my mouth, and I don't know if it was to stop the sobs or the screams that were building up in my throat. I turned and pressed my back against the wall. My knees gave out underneath me and I slid down onto the floor. I let go of all the tears I have been holding back all day.

They kill people. I was in a house full of murderers. If they kidnapped me, they would have no problem murdering me. Charles talked about punishments, but what if one of those punishments were death?

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