Chapter 48: The Bruises

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I practically jumped out of bed as soon as I woke. I was still sore, but it was not nearly as bad. I saw a wooden crib that was assembled in the corner of the room. I ran over to it, peered inside, and saw that it was empty.

I hurried down the stairs. Jimmy or Charles must be holding him downstairs. Now that I was awake, I wanted to hold Hunter. He was inside me for nine months, and the only time I got to hold him was right after the birth.

I walked into the kitchen to see that it was empty. The living room was empty too. They could not have brought him outside. The sun was sure to hurt his sensitive skin.

"Jimmy," I called out.

There was no answer.

"Jimmy?" I tried again.

I scanned the entire bottom floor of the house to see that it was empty. I ran back up the stairs. I ran my hands through my heavy hair as I looked down the hallway. I went back into the room again to check the crib. He was so tiny that I wanted to make sure I did not miss him.

I poked my head back into the hallway. My stomach twisted into a knot when I saw that the door to Tommy's room was open. It allowed a stream of sunlight to cast into the dark hallway floor. Tommy never left his door open. It was always closed. He did not even like me going in there to clean. He warned me not to touch any of his stuff.

The door creaked as I pushed it open. Tommy was sitting on the bed with his legs sprawled out. Hunter was in his arms. Hunter had a tiny pair of blue pajamas on, but most of my view was blocked because of Tommy's arm. Tommy looked at me when the door creaked and smiled.

"Nice of you to join us, Jules," he said.

"Tommy," I said.

"Sit down." He raised his chin to gesture toward the end of the bed.

"Where's Jimmy?" I asked.

"He's outside with Dad," he said. "I told him that I was taking care of the chickens today. They don't know that I'm gone."

"Why are you here?"

"Juliet," Tommy snapped. I could tell that he was being careful not to wake Hunter. "I can't believe you're still asking questions. Shut up and sit down."

I dropped my head and walked over to the foot of the bed. I didn't want to talk to Tommy, but I could not risk not talking to him. My tiny, fragile baby was in his arms. He grew up in a family where killing newborns was common. I shuddered at the thought of what Tommy could do to Hunter.

I sat on the edge of the bed. My eyes were locked on Hunter and my fingers were curled into Tommy's quilt.

"Tommy," I said. "Please, don't hurt him."

"I hope you realize that you cannot keep him," he said.

"Why? He's a boy. You don't have to kill him."

"I know." Tommy stroked his fingers across Hunter's few dark hairs. "But this is a lot more complicated, Jules."

I wanted to ask why, but I could not. I just stared at him and fought with my body to stop myself from shaking.

"You see," he continued. "My girl is coming in a few months - Dad talked about getting her sooner - but I don't want her. I want you."

"I'm married to Jimmy," I said.

"Not if I can help it."

"Can I have Hunter?"

Tommy took another look down at him. He chuckled and shook his head. Visions of him snapping Hunter's neck filled my mind. I was afraid to blink because I was sure that would cause tears to roll down my cheeks.

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