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"Come on, Rose!" Hermione called from outside the bathroom, urgency in her tone, "You are taking too long!"

    Rosalie Hearst stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, an uneasy feeling clouding her mind. She was dressed in a simple white floral dress, with her hair left open in a side partition and small pearl earrings in her lobes. She had very minimal make up on her face, and still felt she had over done it.

    It had been a week, since the match between Gryffindor and Slytherins was called off with a tie after Theodore Nott was injured by her while the game. Before leaving the pitch, she was reminded by him that she had lost the little challenge they had and had to now go on a date with him.

    Ironic, isn't it? She was going on a date with the boy she had aggressively smashed a quaffle on and injured him, resulting him to get a sling attached for a week.

    His friends were told by him to inform Rosalie to be ready for their date on the next sunday, that was today.

    Sucking in a sharp breath, Rosalie closed her eyes, mentally telling herself that it'll be fine today, nothing wrong will happen. Clutching to the doorknob, Rosalie twitched the door open, stepping out and saw Hermione standing right in front of her.

    "Oh my god!" Hermione clamped her hands on her mouth, causing Rosalie to frown, is something wrong? She sighed exasperated, "I knew I have over done it—"

    "You look amazing for your first date!" Hermione said wide eyed with a bright smile. Rosalie resisted the urge to cringe on the term 'first date'. She hoped nobody knew she was having her first date at the age of seventeen when the whole world was busy finding their soulmates at the mere age of thirteen.

    "Just tell me if I look normal," Rosalie said fixing her hair, "Do I look too excited to be on a date with him? I dont want to give him the wrong idea that I am dying to be with him or whatsoever, this is the most I could do to look casual. But you— it was you who insisted me to wear a dress! It is too much Mione! I am not doing it!"

    "Ofcourse you are doing it," Hermione said, "You look perfectly fine, Rose believe me. Neither too much nor too less. I didnt want you to go in trousers and shirt, because you are going for a date not an interview. Now just put on a smile, and you are all set to go."

     Rosalie blinked rapidly trying to smile at Hermione but failed due to the anxiety. She groaned going and sitting on her bed, "I cant do this Mione, just please go and tell him, I have fever or something. Make it sound serious, okay? Tell him I am puking— no dont say that—"

    "Rose, Rose, Rose," Hermione tried to calm her down crouching in front of her and held her hands, with a smile, "Calm down, its alright, why are you being so nervous? He is just Theodore, not Professor Snape, I am sure you can handle today very well. Just go and behave like who you are, thats the best advise I can give you."

    Rosalie got up slightly distressed, she didnt know how to tell Hermione that it was a big deal for her to go on a date with him. She could possibly go out with Professor Snape without worrying a bit, but not him. He was Theo, the boy she had a crush on since three years. And why he suddenly asked her out was a matter to worry about.

    Hermione brought her in a warm hug murmuring reassuring words in her ear, Rosalie nodded as she had no other choice then to go out with him, afterall she should stick by her word.

    Leaving her dorm and successfully restraining coming in sight of her other two friends, Rosalie made her way out of the common room and went forward looking around for the familiar sight of Theodore Nott, who said he'd be waiting for her in the hallway.

𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐒 ⚯͛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐭Where stories live. Discover now