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Waking up again. You missed waking up in your own room, but this was nice too. His arms wrapped around you so tight as if if he were to let go you would be gone.

Maybe a couple months ago you would've tried to leave. Not anymore though, now your delusional. Totally head over heels for some murderers who've done nothing to deserve your love. So why did you feel this way? You honestly had no idea, you just did.

Stupid feelings... You wanted their attention their affection. And you didn't hate it anymore, yes it was confusing but now you wanted it willingly. So weird how these things happen.

You felt him shift a bit he was going to wake up soon. You let out a little sigh and shook him gently. "Tim, wake up..." You whispered to him.

"Just a few more minutes darlin'." He groaned. He didn't hesitate to call you pet names he never did. You liked it how he was so sure you wanted that. Even if you didn't he would probably tease you with them.

Your an idiot y/n. I know. You should've left while you didn't have feelings for them. There wouldn't have been a point, they would have found me again. There was never an escape. I see...

You pat his head and moved to get up waiting a second for Tim to move his arms. Which he didn't and instead he pulled you closer to him. "Don't leave y/n... Brian hasn't come to get us up yet." He said groggy.(is that even a word?)

Just after he said the Brian came through the door. Talk about perfect timing. "Geez look at you guys getting all cuddly on the small bed." Brain said teasingly.

"Its not small." Tim huffed.

"Yeah Brian its average." You said trying not to burst into laughter. That got you a small smack from Tim. Don't joke about bed size guys, it will end in abuse apparently.
"He's making us pancakes..!" You said happily to a sleepy Tim who had just come out of his room.

"Oh nice.." He said yawning then pulled a chair out and sat down. You stood up and grabbed him a mug then poured coffee in his cup... Straight black coffee though.. He was weird.. You set the mug in front of him and he mumbled out a small thank you while rubbing his face.

Maybe a minute later Brian walks out of the kitchen with the pancakes. He set two of the plates down on the table. Neither of the plates were infront of you, so you assumed he wanted something from you. Were you wrong to think like that? Nah he always wanted something weither it be a picture a hug or even sometime a kiss... ON THE CHEEK BECASUE KISSING SOMEONE IS WRIED AND YOU WILL GET COOTIES.
You didn't now where you were going at all, you just aimlessly wandered on Brian's orders. You still didn't know exactly what he meant by 'it'll find you.' But it was super ominous.

He seemed as if he didn't want you to go. It might have had something to do with the Operator... If so you really didn't want to be here. You didn't know where you were heading but you definitely assumed you were being guided by It. There was no avoiding this..

Not even 5 minutes later you stumbled opon a cabin much smaller than the one you lived in. And there were many old cars and a bunch of junk laying around..

You weren't always the best at hints but you definitely got this one.. As soon as your eyes landed on a metal pipe you no longer felt control of your body. It walked you over and forced you to grab it. You didn't really want to fight with this thing... So you didn't.

It hid you under a window and made you look into it you walked around the whole house and peaked in all the windows.. There was a man inside he looked about to be in his 40s? He looked like a dilf.. ANYWAYS! Welp time to put years of drama class to good use...

You walked back to the front of the house and set the pipe against the door frame. You forced tears out of your eyes then, in a panicked manner you quickly step up the stairs. And started knocking loudly as if you were desperately wanting in. That definitely got the man's attention.

Yeah it would've he probably didn't get many visitors out here... He quickly opened the door a fucking gun in hand. You have to be able to do this.. His eyes set on you and he seemed to calm down quite a bit but still was wary.  "What are you doin' out here?" He asked cautiously.

"I was being chased by someone! I thought I was going to die and this was the only place I thought could provide shelter! Please please don't send me back out there..! I don't want to die-!" He cut you off by slapping a hand over you mouth.

"Well if you don't want them to find you I suggest you shut up..!" He whisper yelled. You had a feeling he was conspiracy theorist.. "You can come in 'ere just till you figure its safe to go back out.." Idiot, never invite a stranger into your home...

You wiped off your fake tears and nodded, then thanked him more time then needed.

"Just shut up and get in 'ere.." He looked over your shoulder trying to see if anyone was out there. He turned his back to you and walked in. You followed but not before grabbing the pipe.

He was about to put his gun down  but you hit his wrist with the pipe and he dropped it landing quite a bit away from him. But closer to you.. Pipe was better! You kicked the gun over out of both of your guy's reach.

"You should've shot me while you had the chance..!" You said and brought the pipe down on his shoulder. Making him fall over he started yelling things you couldn't hear because the staticy voice telling you to strike again and again.. You did everything was a complete blur until you were on top of him and he was begging for his life.. The guilt was eating you alive..

"Murderer..." She taunted.

You hit his face this time again and again until it wasn't even recognizable... You hit him one more time before you cried actual tears not out of guilt or sadness. They were out of frustration.

You slowly stood up using the pipe to help. The blood on the floor an every where else made bile rise in your throat you tried you best to keep it down but couldn't. It burned your throat and smelled awful..

Well today was certainly eventful..

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