ending (good ending)

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You hit the ground with a thump landing on both your feet. Your legs felt kinda shaky...

Hm.. You never got to looked around outside. You brought your hand up to shield your eyes from the sun.. the sun was just starting to set. Bright.. Yeah the sky was orange and pink. You looked around again, in a forest just like any other time. You looked back at the house. Looked like a normal house, you supposed, it was run down definitely.

Let's not spend anymore time here. Yeah, let's go. And you began walking into the tree line and through the bear sticks, the the cold snow and other other shit on the ground. It was nice out here, the brids were chirping and you could hear your own foot steps crunching in the snow.

You remembered how you were the last time you were outside. Not even that long ago. How long ago was it? It didn't really matter. You continued forward. How long would it take for you to see another person? Or pass out from dehydration or exhaustion? Maybe you'll even die from hypothermia.

It didn't matter just keep going forward you find something eventually. Maybe it would have been smart to follow the road out? Was there even a road? Possibly. How would he be able to get here all the time without one. Portals. Yeah thats right a portal. Like the one Kate and you used, you've been there a couple times. Would you still be able to use them?

No, contact was cut. You weren't wroth it to the Operator. Damn.

"What are you doing?"

"Leave me alone." You scowled.

"You should go back, its safer there than it is out here. You might get mauled by a bear or something." She laughed.

"Then so be it." You said and sped up. The conversation was dropped there.


"Fuck!" You yelped as you fell over. Dumb ass root. You scowled and looked at your hands, scrapped and covered in snow. You rubbed the snow off and moved onto your knees. You lifted the pant leg up. You must've hit your knee on the way down. It was so bad.. You fixed the pant legs and stood up again. The sun would be gone soon. You looked around. The forest seemed to have grown quiet, it made you uncomfortable. Just keep walking (y/n).. You hugged yourself trying to stay warm and moved forward again.

You stopped moving and crouched down behind a tree quickly. You heard mumbling...

"Shit.. how long have we been out here for?" An annoyed voice spoke. "My hands are freezing.."

"I told you to put on gloves dumb ass." Another said just as annoyed.

These voices were familiar. You had an idea of why they were... You looked around trying to see them. Tim and Brian... No. They aren't here for you, you need to keep moving and stay away from them. You felt yourself tear up. They don't want you anymore. Move. You waited for the steps to get quieter before moving again.

Slowly and carefully. As if wanting them to find you. Suddenly and light shined on you.

"You little bitch!" You looked over there was Alex. You stared at him for second like a deer in headlights. He took a step closer and you blotted.

"Get back here!" You heard his steps following you along with yelling and then more steps.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." You muttered to yourself as you tried to run faster.

"(Y/n)!" You heard a voice yell out to you. Brian's voice.

"Goddammit!" Another voice yelled frustratedly. Tims voice..

It hurt to run, it hurt to breathe tears ran down your cheeks just as quickly as you were running. You started hyperventilating. But you kept running. Running throw trees taking unexpected turns almost tripping and falling. The snow was so cold.

acting skills (yandere masky x reader x yandere  hoodie)Where stories live. Discover now