:2:Jealousy (Pt 1)

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word count: 1595

     Maybe it was for the better.  Maybe he should just stay home when Ozzie went out.  Every time he came, some stupid bitch said something nasty about his king, and he about snapped.  One thing just confused him.. Ozzie never seemed to notice anything that anyone says.  It confused Fizz, because if Ozzie had antennas that could sense every emotion building up in you, you'd think he sure as hell would have good hearing.

"Fizzy?  Fizzy.. Fizzarolli!" Asmodeus shouted for the hundredth time, finally snapping Fizz out of his mental tantrum.  

"Whaddya want you big piece of fluff?"  Fizz turned his attention back to the sewing kit he had in front of him.  This is what he'd been doing when Ozzie went out by himself.  Sewing..  sewing pockets, fixing outfits, anything you could do with needle and thread, he probably could too.  Fizz looked back at his little project, carefully poking through the tender fabric.  The more he concentrated, the more he kept thinking about Ozzie, and the more his tongue poked out.

"Fizzypop, I have to go out to return something from the store down the street."  Ozzie said carefully, placing a tender hand on Fizz' chopped off horns.  Fizz winced, being too focused on the little message he was sewing into his uniform to realize it was just his king.  Hah, his  king.  Yea.  Ozzie was his.  Not random weirdos out on the street.  He was only his.

"Yea whatever have a good time or something" Fizz mumbled, still very concentrated.  It hadn't registered in his mind what Ozzie had said.  "go out", and "down the street."  Fizz threw the needle across the table, jerking his head to face Ozzie's.  Ozzie flinched, yanking his hand away, looking confused towards his jester.  

"Wait, out?!" Fizz cried out, grabbing Ozzie's shoulders roughly and tugging him closer to his face.

"W-why?!  I-if it's got a t-tear or something.. I-I could fix it!" Fizz stuttered, something he did often when he was nervous.  He frantically looked around the room to try to find what Ozzie was talking about, and after what felt like hours of searching, his gaze finally landed back on Ozzie.  That bastard was smiling.  The smile that he always gave Fizz when Fizz said something stupid.  Fizz growled, lowering back into his chair. 

"What.  Why are you looking at me like i'm a fuckin' hamster."  Fizz grumbled, staring at Ozzie's glowing green eyes.

"Baby.. it's not clothing."  Ozzie chuckled, kneeling down in front of Fizz.  Oh.  Oh shit.  He's been looking for the wrong thing the whole time.  Ozzie started to pet Fizz' head, trying to calm him down.  He was fucking furious, his eyes darting across the room  still  trying to find what Ozzie had meant.

Then, his eyes landed on something.  Something rather, big. Something in a package..  a... no.  Fizz couldn't see, he was too far away.  Instead, he backed away from Ozzie, receiving a concerned stare from the much bigger creature.

"What the fuck is that?" Fizz said, trying to act calm and collected.. he was far from that.  He pointed at the big box in the corner of the room.  Ozzie jerked his entire body around, staring at the box as if it were an angel.  Fizz looked at him, confusion lingering in his eyes.

"Oh.  Ehm.." Ozzie laughed.  A nervous type of laugh.  Fizz huffed at Ozzie, stomping towards the box.  He had absolutely no fucking patience left.  If Ozzie didn't show him what that was, he'd go figure it out by himself!  Before he could get a better look at the box, he was lifted up.  It was sudden, but gentle.  Ozzie held him above his head by the hem of Fizz' pajamas.

"Hey!  You-" Fizz cut himself off, hitting and kicking the air as he tried to hit Ozzie's hands off him.  "You-!  You fucking cock!  Giant dumb bird, get your horny hands off. Of. ME!"  Fizz shouted the last words, trying his hardest to kick Ozzie square in the face.  Instead, he was flailing and hitting absolutely nothing.  

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon