:5:First Impressions

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word count: 4100

"Ughhh.." Fizzarolli grumbled, throwing himself into the backstages in a hurry. His lord has requested him.. and time was money...

"Fizz! Are you okay?" A famailiar voice yelled, making Fizz jump and stop in his tracks. A hand grabbed his shoulder and wheeled him around. Fizz was quietly cursing to himself, but stoped when those lovely eyes met back with his.

"Fizz, hello?" It was blitzo.. phew. Fizz sighed loudly, resting his hand on his beloveds' shoulder.

"Damn it.. i thought you were boss! Scared me shitless." Fizz yelled out, chuckling at the end of his sentences. More chuckles and giggles morphed into deep hearted laughs, while they were walking and talking about god knows what.

"No! I'm being fucking serious, i swear i saw this giant blue chicken guy in the audience! he didn't even fit in the tent, can you believe that shit? Hah!" Fizz faked a fall, rubbing the back of his head against Blitzo's face.

"Ugh, stop you damn cat, you're getting your gayness all over me!" Blitzo yelled out, pushing Fizz off of him playfully, earning a light chuckle from the smaller imp. Fizz looked into Blitz eyes, his hands cupping his face. Blitzo smiled, returning the gesture. Fizz laughed to himself once more, before butting their heads together. Once again, laughs. Genuine, real laughs.

"Ah, Oll! If it isn't my favorite money making star, there you are." A too familiar voice dug sharp fingers into the part between Fizzarollis actual shoulder and his rusty prosthetic, almost popping his left prosthetic arm off from the force. Fizz yelped, half with pain and half in fear. Yes! The meeting with his lord, that's right.. he was late.

Blitzo backed up away from the deadly sin. Fizz slowly turned around, gripping his arm so tight his red skin was turning white, but not from his scars. He chuckled, again.. but this time, it was due to being nervous.

"O-oh.. Lord Mammon! If it isn't my pleasure to s-see you... sir.." Fizz looked up at the oversized jester with an oversized grin, and gulped down every ounce of confidence he ever had.

"Come." Was all that Mammon said before he picked Fizzarolli upside down by the tail and started walking in a certain direction. Fizzarolli has been there his whole life, so he knew the way to places. They were going to Mammons office. Fizz lost all hope. He knew he was in trouble. He angered his lord. Oh god.. what would happen to him?

Before he knows it, he's plopped down roughly onto a bean bag. Immediately, he pushed his legs onto his chest and held his leg prosthetics tighter than ever. He didn't have the gut to look up.

"Now, Asmodeus! My dear brother. This is the little guy you were watching up there. Isn't he amazing?" Fizz shot his head up immediately. Asmodeus? As in.. What?! There's no way! He stared directly at his lord, then to Asmodeus. Holy shit. If he thought Mammon was super tall, he'd be underestimating the entire word. He looked up to analyze Asmodeus' face, staring at his dark blue feathers, then down to his giant shoulders, then to his tiny waist, then to his thigh-high heels that fit the shape of his legs perfectly. Then, to the pair of feathers sticking out and acting as tails. Fizz couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

"Hmph." Was all that came out of the latter. Fizz immediately shoved his head between his legs, fearing the odd man caught him staring.

"I know, Mammon. I saw him. And, I was nearly being crushed, aswell." A silky smooth deep voice sounded out with annoyance. Fizz couldn't help but peek back up.

"Hey, I'm sorry bro. I didn't design the tent for 15 foot tall sins." Mammon spoke jokingly, reaching up to pat his hand on Asmodeus' shoulder.

"Do not call me bro." Asmodeus grumbled, wiping off Mammons hand. Fizzarolli swore he could feel Asmodeus eyes lay on him for just a quick moment.

Asmodeus x Fizzarolli Oneshots (Fizzarozzie)Where stories live. Discover now