Chapter 4 - The Pain Artist

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Deducing where the young master had gone was the first goal. To the east of the dormant volcano was the Numerenai guild fortress. This was the preferable option. It was safe and would make finding him easier. Jyesthra took Izthark to the fortress. Having grown up there, they knew the people, and quickly came to an answer.

The lady nor young master had visited the fortress all year.

"Not this year at all?" Izthark asked.

"Not even before the Long Night. Refused, even. When the sun-strikes started against Ire and Kes, Mother was distraught and turned away everyone, and isolated herself to the top of the mountain."

Izthark and Jyesthra shared a glance, thanked their sister, and left, promising to keep them informed when they find the young master, and not revealing their mother's fate. While their brothers and sisters would need to know, it would be for the guildmaster to tell.

"This leaves three pirate lords and their territories." Izthark thought outloud. Jyesthra clenched her fingers together anxiously. He looked to her, and drew her out of her thoughts with a question. "Which do you think he would go for?"

"How are we supposed to know? We only know he has white hair! We don't know his likes or dislikes or reasons to go or how weak he is or his history with them or-"

"Well, the southern port is closest and has the easiest path from the volcano," Izthark offered. "And ports offer plenty of jobs." He extended his hand for her to grasp and take them there. She reached for his hand, but recoiled when she saw how much she shook. "Breath. The young master lived here. He knows it as well as we would."

"Y-you're right. Thanks." She took a breath and took his hand.

"Of course, I am." 

They shifted location until they were at the top of a tower. But not before appearing in the middle of the ocean for a brief dunk in frigid water. One shocked scream and 'bitch!' later, they overlooked the port city of Remina'Ref. The port overwatched the channel between the island and the continent Dyson.

The top of Ire that bordered the continent was entirely mountainous, so while there was some naval activity, it was difficult and small in comparison to what was allowable between Kes and Ne. Acting as the only road between the two regions, ignoring the Ire land-paths, the port city between was highly profitable. It was ruled by what was informally a pirate lord, but he had enough sense to not raid prospective customers, making what was a safe and neutral area, albeit heavily tolled, alongside the Numerenai fortress to the north-east.

It had always been a hotbed of activity, but the degree to which it was these days was alarming. There were no mere ten or twelve vessels at port with another two waiting off the coast. There were hundreds of ships loading and unloading. In tandem the city itself was overpopulated and dense until no gap could be seen between them.

Almost all were slaves, slavers, buyers, tattoo shops, and more involved in the trade of bloods. The slaves were overwhelmingly Kes-Blood.

The ships were also being loaded in crates and crates, which from the few still open, were weapons.

Jyesthra whistled, "Impressive! This is new."

Izthark scrunched his brows in concern. "When my vision has grazed over this city, I saw more ships than usual, and the place was bustling, but this is not what I expected."

"They lost. This is what happens when you lose."

"Yes, but this many in one day? And for how long? Is the whole of the country being emptied out and gutted?"

He heard her scoff and the air imploded as she disappeared. Izthark did not expect pity from her towards a blood to which she was named to be their curse, but at times he hoped she would choose apathy. Not that the Bane of Moloch had any right to judge the Goddess of Misfortune.

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