The Hoodie

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Three weeks had passed since the strange man came to question about the photos and everything had remained calm since. This was good since halloween was right around the corner and you didn't want anything spoiling your favorite holiday. Regardless though, Law's nerves were still shot to all hell. He'd spent hours upon hours studying for midterms and managed to pull straight A's again. When he wasn't busy studying though, he was quietly always on the verge of panic.

Your once calm, collected lover seemed like a different person these days. He paced on the back porch a lot and constantly looked at his phone. If it weren't for the other strange quirks he'd picked up and your two years of solid trust, you'd almost fear that he was cheating. The real kicker was him hovering around you as if he were afraid he'd blink and you'd suddenly vanish. On top of it all, he was losing sleep by the hour. When he wasn't busy hovering or pacing, he'd force himself to sit and read, but that never seemed to last long.

He hadn't changed on the surface of his personality though, which really threw you for a loop. He was still the same sarcastic, laidback man you'd met and fallen in love with two years ago. Beneath the surface though you could tell a vicious torrent of anxious thoughts swirled. At first you didn't notice. Law was terrifyingly good at masking his innermost thoughts and feelings and his poker face felt like it was on a completely different level. Anyone else would have probably missed the slight dilation of his pupils when his anxiety was spiking or the subtle twitch of his fingertips every now and then if you'd wandered off too far.

You loved the man to bits, but even this was too much for you. He refused to talk about whatever it was bothering him though. Anytime you asked, he played it off as shot nerves over his studies. It was getting frustrating. You needed to talk to someone about it or you were going to force bread down his throat till he told you.

"Yeah, I wanna pick up some halloween candy and some candy apples. I was going to make some but I put it off for too long and now it's too late." You chuckled, holding the phone between your shoulder and ear as you rummaged through the closet for something to wear. "We can make a little day of it. Perona said she'd come along too."

Nami's voice came through the receiver reluctantly. "Perona? I don't know, the last time we met, she didn't seem to like me very much." A tiny mutter came afterward. "Then again, she did help Zoro the other day, so maybe..."

"So you'll come along?" You asked again, hopeful. These two girls were your closest friends and you desperately wanted to hear from both of them about your predicament with Law. "Please Nami, I really need to talk to you. It's important and only you and Perona will get it."

"Oh alright. Where do you want to meet?"

"In front of the city hall okay?"

"Yeah I'll be there in an hour."

"Yay! Thanks Nami, you're the best!"

After a bashful goodbye from Nami, you continued to root through the clothes, looking for something in particular. In the end, you grabbed a comfy pair of black skinny jeans and a white and orange striped shirt. Afterward, you turned to the item you'd spent ages searching for and pulled it on. Law's favorite yellow and black hoodie was oversized on you and very warm and smelled just like him. You wrapped your arms around yourself in a nice happy hug; you may be annoyed with him, but you still loved him. You weren't sure what the happy face design on the front of the hoodie was, but it was a symbol that meant a lot to Law and you promised yourself you'd treat the hoodie with care.

You made your way into the kitchen, slipping on your shoes and slinging your purse over your shoulder after you decided to leave your hair loose around your shoulders. You pulled out your phone to text Law and let him know you were going out with Perona and Nami, but you hesitated. With how jittery he'd been lately, maybe it was best you didn't. You felt a little guilty, but you'd leave him a note instead so he wasn't completely in the dark. Grabbing a pen and scrap of paper, you scribbled down where you were going and with who and then turned for the door. You had to hurry to catch the bus into the city.

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